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Author Topic:  DigiTech RP100 into Session 1000
Rick Nicklas


Verona, Mo. (deceased)
Post  Posted 9 Nov 2006 4:39 pm    
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I just bought a DigiTech RP100 effects unit. I have been using a Lexicon MP2 but recently tried out my old Digitech RP300 and found I liked it much (MUCH) better. But it bit the dust yesterday and I bought the above smaller model without the expression pedal (don't need it).

My question is.... Is it okay to run the RP100 through the PowerAmp out and Preamp in inputs on the back of the Session 1000. This is where I have run the Lexicon and RP300. (It is super quiet this way) I was wondering if this will cause damage to either unit. The manual suggests that I put it first in line. This gives me some noise. I just need to know If I am okay running it through the back of my amp..... Thanks a million guys.
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Mike Wheeler

Delaware, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 9 Nov 2006 4:48 pm    
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If the Digitech can handle line levels at it's input and can output line levels, you should be OK. Those Pre out and Pwr. In jacks are line levels. Just check the manual.

[This message was edited by Mike Wheeler on 09 November 2006 at 04:48 PM.]

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Jim Sliff

Lawndale California, USA
Post  Posted 9 Nov 2006 5:09 pm    
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You said "power out - pre IN?"

NO! And I'm surprised it even worked. You nail an effects unit with 200 or so watts of amp power and you'll cook it in seconds.

If you meant "preamp out, power amp IN", then yes, it'll work. But IMO the RP100 is the lowest-common-denominator of multi-effects units, all of which compromise somewhere anyway.

It's VERY noisy. I bought one a few years ago and after a week gave it to my (at the time) 9 year old son. He still has it, but HE doesn't care for the tone either and is looking at Line 6 equipment.

Anyway - it will work in an effects loop, but IMO the Lexicon is MUCH better...and the Line 6 stuff better than either one. The RP100 does have one distinct advantage, though - price.
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Rick Nicklas


Verona, Mo. (deceased)
Post  Posted 9 Nov 2006 5:31 pm    
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Jim.... Yes, that is what I meant. All I want to do is form an effects loop without having problems show up (electronically). The reason I bought this RP100 is because I have been using the RP300 for a few weeks now and got an unbelievable presents and amazing tone just by choosing the JazzClean option and stacking and placing other options with it for my couple of user presets that I made up. I do use their EQ as well. I was excited to play every song just to hear my tone. I tried every option I could think of with the amp alone and with the Lexicon but my preference was obvious once I heard that tone from the RP300 with those user options I keyed in.

[This message was edited by Rick Nicklas on 09 November 2006 at 05:37 PM.]

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Jim Sliff

Lawndale California, USA
Post  Posted 9 Nov 2006 9:36 pm    
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Well, there's something to be said for products matching well with each other. I guess the RP must work well in that particular circumstance...which is a great find, considering the low cost.

And to repeat - yes, in that case it'll work fine btween the preamp and power amp, with less noise that way.
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