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Author Topic:  Peavey Black Widow or other replacement?
Bryan Daste

Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 12 Oct 2006 8:05 pm    
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I have been playing my steel through a guitar amp since I started playing in 2004, basically because I already owned the guitar amp The amp is a Johnson JM150 (millennium stereo one-fifty), one of those digital modeling amps, but much better than the Line 6's IMO. I have a love-hate relationship with the amp - in some rooms, it sounds great; in others, harsh and tinny. I have had people tell me that it makes the steel sound too much like a regular electric guitar. But I love the internal effects and the control I have over the sound.

Here's my question - would switching out the speakers with something like a Peavey Black Widow improve the tone of the amp, or at least sort of push it in the right direction? Right now I've got a pair of the stock Celestion G12 Vintage 30 8-ohm drivers in the amp. **AND, while we're at it, just today I discovered that one speaker isn't working - I'm getting about 10% of the usual volume out of it, and the cone is "frozen" - it doesn't move when pushed gently from the outside. Any tips for fixing this speaker (if it can be fixed) would be appreciated too.


[This message was edited by Bryan Daste on 12 October 2006 at 09:12 PM.]

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Larry Behm

Mt Angel, Or 97362
Post  Posted 13 Oct 2006 3:59 am    
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Yes most speakers can be reconed, there are seveal guys in town that do that. Come to the big jam 10-22-06 and try out amps the other guys are using this will help answer some of your questions. We can also connect your amp with other speakers. We will be having some fun now.

You are now beginning the search for that killer sound and it will take a life time. Soon you will be known as a gear head, as anal, as a tone freak, that is OK you will be just like all the rest of us.

Larry Behm

[This message was edited by Larry Behm on 13 October 2006 at 05:01 AM.]

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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 13 Oct 2006 5:55 am    
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Bryan, a six string electric guitar amp usually has a high mid boost. Since you prefer digital effects, it would require two speakers to obtain "full effect" and sparation. I recommend two Nashville 112 amplifiers with a Peavey Dual Deltafex. I think that you will be pleased with the results.

If you have questions about our products please feel free to e-mail me a message or call at 1-877-732-8391, ext. 1180.
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Bryan Daste

Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 13 Oct 2006 1:17 pm    
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Thanks guys! I'm not sure I'm ready to drop that kind of cash on two amps and an effects unit...that's why I was hoping to modify the amp I already own to optimize it for steel. Would there be an ideal replacement speaker for the Celestions that would allow me to use the amp I already have?

Larry, I will see you at the jam! I think I might be ready for your Picking the Pockets video - what do you think??

[This message was edited by Bryan Daste on 13 October 2006 at 02:19 PM.]

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