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Author Topic:  Just bought a Peavey Envoy
Terje Larson


Rinkeby, Spånga, Sweden
Post  Posted 12 Apr 2006 10:46 pm    
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As soon as my guitarist said he wanted to buy my Yamaha JX40 I decided that it was now or never and went to this jam without an amp, passing a store on the way, had money enough to buy the amp of my choice...

Took them all out once again. A Roland Cube 30, a Peavey Micro Bass and this Peavey Envoy. Actually the Micro Bass amp had the sweetest tone of them all but was noisy when turned up to the4 level it needed to be at to be loud enough for a gig sitaution. And it is for that specific situation I need the amp.

That's been the problem with the Yamaha JX40. It's too heavy for me to actually carry it to a gig. I'll find all kinds of other solutions beofre dragging the thing with me to a gig. Including plugging straight into the PA...

The Cube 30 is the wiser choice on an intellectual level perhaps. Has all the ins and outs I'll ever need, all the effects I don't need, small, well built... but there's something boxy about the tone. And soemthing nasty happens to the attack.

The Peavey Envoy is more open and pretty much sounds exactly the same as my Yamaha JX40 if I want it to but is much easier to carry.

If I start to regret this I can probably go back to the store, return the Envoy and get the Cube 30 instead. The next week will tell.
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Curt Langston

Post  Posted 13 Apr 2006 7:43 pm    
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Buy that JBL E-110 from David Spangler to put in it. It makes a world of difference!
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Terje Larson


Rinkeby, Spånga, Sweden
Post  Posted 14 Apr 2006 12:04 am    
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Describe the difference that speaker change would make, please.

I'm trying to put this whole "need a new amp" thing behind me though. Maybe I should start focusing on my playing a bit more, huh? Might do me some good perhaps.

What I actually might do is get that Peavey Micro Bass amp too since it did sound great at lower volume levels.

And then a Bandit and a Twin and a Polytone and one of those Evans amps...

[This message was edited by Terje Larson on 14 April 2006 at 01:05 AM.]

[This message was edited by Terje Larson on 14 April 2006 at 01:06 AM.]

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