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Ron Victoria


New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 30 Dec 2005 6:07 pm    
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My father wants to get a CD player/burner to put his old music cassettes onto CD. Can a DVD burner copy audio cassettes and VHS thru the input jacks? This way he can also use it to play movies and get more use out of it than just a CD burner. I know there are other methods including the PC but he needs simplicity.
Thanks, Ron
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Roger Francis


kokomo,Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 30 Dec 2005 8:37 pm    
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The dvd burner on our PC burns music but it says dvd rw/cd rw, thats probably not much help, but it should work.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 31 Dec 2005 2:53 am    
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Probably depends on the model and what it's capabilities are. You or he will have to read the manual for the unit and see if it will do it. Many standalone DVD "recorders" will only burn DVD's - they are not like the PC models which are dual DVD/CD burners.
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Steve Kaeser


Maryland, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2006 3:38 pm    
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In my experience, most (recent) DVD burners will burn a variety of formats, including CD-R and CD-RW (which shouldn't be used for music CDs). The software you use will define how complex the task is, and how difficult it will be to teach someone who isn't too computer literate (assuming that's an issue).

If you're looking at a new computer, you might look into one of the new Windows Media Center systems. They will allow you to record video, as well as music, and burn it to other media (ie DVDs and CDs). But all this comes with a learning curve and dubbing is done in "real time", so it takes time and dedication.

Just a few thoughts.

Steve Kaeser
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