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Author Topic:  2nd Horror Story (UPS)
Tommy Alexander


Friendswood, Texas 77546
Post  Posted 26 Dec 2005 5:26 am    
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I had two Nashville speaker cabinets for sale; in excellent condition with 15" BW's.
A very good friend of mine (Tiny Olsen) wanted them, he sent me the check and I had UPS to pack them and shipped to New York.
A few days later, Tiny called me and said that one of the speakers had a bad distortion. He looked at the box and found that one of the corners was dented; obviously, they dropped it.
I went to the UPS store and filed a claim for the one speaker. Four months later, I went by to see what was going on. UPS said that they could not find the claim form. So I filled out another one and they sent it in for processing.
12 months later, I hadn't heard anything from them, so I went back to see what was going on. AGAIN!, they could not find the claim form. Three months ago, I tried again, and still they haven't done anything about it. As of this date, they haven't processed anything.
I think I might just start sending things by "DHL" or any body else but UPS.
If you send your by UPS, you are taking a big risk. Maybe somebody in the UPS office will take notice of the complaints and do something about it. But, I don't think that I will hold my breath waiting to see....

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Curt Langston

Post  Posted 26 Dec 2005 5:45 am    
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It seems unlikely that merely dropping the box would cause distortion. To have a speaker damaged (distortion) by dropping is rare. Especially if there is no damage to the cabinet. Peavey makes a super strong and roadworthy speaker. The magnet assembly is bolted on, and will not move. Was there any damage to the cabinet itself?
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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 26 Dec 2005 7:23 am    
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If the corner of the speaker cab was visably dented in,
this could change the internal geometry of the box slightly.
But that wouldn't really cause a distortion.

BUT it could cause it to vibrate around the dented area,
it now being much weaker. This the dent flexing a lot and creaking.
This sound could be heard as distortion.
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Ken Metcalf

San Antonio Texas USA
Post  Posted 26 Dec 2005 7:43 am    
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i have a ups claim prob. down in the forum. Man... same same.. i first filed a claim and it was lost, for a broken fender twin.. they broke the top of the amp loose.
then they said they were coming out to look at the box, it came in... no shows like three times.. they keeped saying it sez here you don't have the box.. no claim... round and round with i have the box and you guys didn't show up..
then back to it sez here you don't have the box,, i went up through supervisors..again and again,, but i didn't quit... they dealt with me for 2 months then finaly said we can't deal with you we can only deal with the shipper...
the insurance is worthless..
and so is a twin with a broken cabnet...
if i lift the amp i will end up with tubes in hand and speakers on the ground..
i,m not sure if any other shippers are any better ken
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Jim Sliff

Lawndale California, USA
Post  Posted 26 Dec 2005 8:28 am    
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As I've said before, proper packing prevents 99.9% of these problems (and never have the UPS store pack things - while it can help with insurance claims, they do a poor job at preventing damage with heavy items like amps and speaker cabs).

But - I'd never wait four months and then "drop by" to check on a claim, then wait *a year* to follow up further. That part I do not understand at all.
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Blake Hawkins

Post  Posted 26 Dec 2005 8:30 am    
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If a speaker cabinet is dropped hard enough and at the right angle, you can get distortion.
What can happen is that the magnet will be shifted slightly or the frame distorted a little and the voice coil will rub causing the distortion.

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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 26 Dec 2005 8:54 am    
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The first rule in proper packaging is to not reuse a box for heavy items. Boxes really are meant to be used once. The integrity of the corregation is usually compromised (sp?) during the first use. USe more solid types of packing materials. Newspaper and styrofoam peanuts don't get it for shipping amps. You should actually think of double boxing amps, steels, speaker cabs, etc. with a solid styrofoam packing in between the 2 boxes. A lot of hassel you say? Look at the hassel you are having with claims.

I worked for a company once that sent all the people that were in charge of the shipping/receiving departments from the branch offices around the country to the factory for a packing seminar. We had to reship mechanisms had that had hydraulic fluid in them, so they had to be packed well. He made the comment that if your package won't survive a fall from the back of a semi truck, you're asking for trouble.

Carter D10 9p/9k, NV400, Korg Triton Le88 Synth, Korg CX-3 organ, Yamaha Motif Rack Module, Regal Dobro, Tele, Gretsch Acoustic.

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Leon Campbell


Texas, USA
Post  Posted 26 Dec 2005 1:22 pm    
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Hi Tommy, I bought a NV. 400 and when it came the speaker cone had partially come out of the magnet and bent the copper ring
that goes into the magnet, I took a kitchen spoon and smoothed out the bent part, put it back together and now it works fine at any volume. Hope this might help. Leon
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Keith Cordell

San Diego
Post  Posted 27 Dec 2005 7:11 am    
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UPS has destroyed 3 vintage pieces of gear for me, including a 1963 Gibson Firebird; all were overpacked and the packaging abused. I spent 3 holidays working seasonal for UPS and all I can say is I am only surprised that everything is not destroyed; the packages go through some pretty ridiculous abuse. The mythical "gorillas under the airport" that destroy your bags? They moonlight at UPS...
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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 27 Dec 2005 9:12 am    
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Maybe I am missing something. Instead of complaining and waiting for 6 months, why not go file a claim in your local legal court? Seems to me that is where issues like this need to be solved. Seems I read a sign at UPS that said something about them not shipping electronics. I still see all kinds of Dell Computers being delivered and sent through UPS.

[This message was edited by Keith Hilton on 27 December 2005 at 09:16 AM.]

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