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Author Topic:  Blues jr = Princeton Reverb
Karlis Abolins

(near) Seattle, WA, USA
Post  Posted 26 May 2005 1:51 pm    
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Not really but close. I had a Princeton Reverb back in the 70's that I bought for $65. I played my MSA semi-classic through it for a number of years (at home). I forget what happened to it but much later I regretted not still owning it. I just bought a used Blues jr. for $275 and it has the same feel and sound. There are not a lot of things to adjust but the sound is great for bedroom playing. The one I have is the American model and I understand that it has more headroom than the newer Mexican models which break up much sooner. This suits me fine. I have to crank the drive up to 4 or 5 before the tone starts coloring. I have to get it up to 7 or 8 to get a good growl out of it. I know that every tube amp is different and I think I got lucky with this one.

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