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Author Topic:  Difference in voltage readings
Mark Herrick

Bakersfield, CA
Post  Posted 18 May 2005 1:49 pm    
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I have a Weber Bias Rite device with four sockets and the voltage option.

One thing I have wondered about is this; why do I get different voltage readings from the Bias Rite than from a multimeter? If I measure the power tube plate voltages on pin 3 with a multimeter with the bias voltage set to max (-51v) I'll get 437 volts on all four tubes (Silver Face Twin Reverb) but with the Bias Rite it will be 442, 439, 440 and 441. After the bias voltage is adjusted, I'll get 427 volts on all tubes using the multimeter and 432, 426, 426 and 431 using the Bias Rite.

I seem to recall that this has something to do with the tubes, but I don't remember what.

In calculating static dissipation, which voltage readings will give me a more accurate figure?


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Paul Arntson

Washington, USA
Post  Posted 19 May 2005 9:30 pm    
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Those readings are only about 1% different, which is pretty good for these measurements. I've always had a difficult time getting finer measurements than 1% with non-laboratory instruments and especially with tube circuits.
I don't know how the biasrite measures, but you might double check where your reference points are for your DVM, that they are exactly exactly the same points that the bias rite is hitting.
I notice that much difference between my different meters sometimes. I wouldn't worry too much about it. One way to double check is to swap the bias rite sockets around and see if the voltage difference stays with the tubes or follows the sockets. If it follows the sockets, you can ignore it totally, since it is a measurement artifact.

[This message was edited by Paul Arntson on 19 May 2005 at 10:37 PM.]

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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 20 May 2005 10:02 am    
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It's rumored that Buddy sets all of his tubes to 440.
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Mark Herrick

Bakersfield, CA
Post  Posted 20 May 2005 11:01 am    
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One way to double check is to swap the bias rite sockets around and see if the voltage difference stays with the tubes or follows the sockets.

Good idea, I'll try that.

It's rumored that Buddy sets all of his tubes to 440.

Oh, a wise guy, eh!


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