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peavy 112 problem

Posted: 1 Apr 2005 9:32 am
by Farris Currie
HELLO MIKE,i'm having problem with new sounds great,but starts feed back roar at number 5 volume.i've traded cords,pedal, guitars all i can think of,put amp in back,front,ect.but it goes to howling louder and louder.until i stop playing , then it will calm down. i'm hooking up guitar to amp, out of loop with volume pedal.don't know what else to do.

Posted: 1 Apr 2005 10:39 am
by John Daugherty
Ferris, mine always sounds like that when I am playing and stops when I quit !!!
Now to get serious.. maybe your pickup is too hot to be fed directly to the input. I think you are getting feedback from the speaker to the guitar body. A microphonic pickup would make this worse.
Try connecting guitar through volume pedal to input of amp. That is how I run my NV112.
I connect my effects to the post gain jacks.
It works great for me.
Let me know what you find, old buddy, and keep the possums out of the amp cabinet.........JD

Posted: 1 Apr 2005 11:10 am
by Darvin Willhoite
Sometimes reverb units can cause this, have you tried playing with the reverb off to see if it still does it? I had this happen on a Mesa Boogie amp.

Darvin Willhoite
Riva Ridge Recording

Posted: 1 Apr 2005 11:41 am
by Farris Currie
John i tryed it both ways no difference,Darwing i hadn't turned the reverb off but i will try that next.i will have it out again tomorrow, so we see what happens. gets to howling so loud it drowns my playing out.i hooked up just like book says, steel to amp, then in and out with i'm sick right now.tone is fine,but can't out play the howl. farris

Posted: 1 Apr 2005 3:44 pm
by John Daugherty
Farris, do you have a dog nearby ?

Posted: 1 Apr 2005 3:51 pm
by Larry Robbins
Check the openning in the back...there might be a possum stuck in it! Image
...sorry I cant help with your amp problem...good luck though!

Sho-Bud ProII, Pro III custom,
Fender Steelking,Hilton pedal,Tut Taylor "Virginian"

Posted: 1 Apr 2005 8:04 pm
by Richard E. Lee
Sounds to me like you have an "open" somewhere..almost like a PA will roar..I would call Peavey..Mike Brown (601)483-5365 x 1180..and he'll straighten it out for you. Sorry.. Frustrating..

Posted: 1 Apr 2005 10:05 pm
by Fred Shannon
Farris I have the same problem. Check your reverb setting. Mine will start the hum at position 4 o f the reverb knob setting. I can set it back to 3 or 3.5 and it stops. I called Mike about it and was told to take it to a Peavey rep. Not too easy here, over a 150 mile round trip. I'm just living with it right now.


"From Truth, Justice is Born"--Quanah Parker-1904

Posted: 1 Apr 2005 10:36 pm
by Jim Palenscar
I have heard the same problem with the reverb from several different users.

Posted: 2 Apr 2005 6:33 am
by John Daugherty
Maybe that's why I never had the problem. I haven't used a spring reverb in 25 years.
Farris, You could do like I do and use a good electronic delay. Personally, I like "Lexicon". They are clean and no noise. Connect it in the post EQ patch.

Posted: 2 Apr 2005 8:01 am
by Jack Stoner
Ahh! I use a Pod XT for effects and don't use the reverb in my 112. However, I did use it one time at home, doing some comparisons with my Nashville 1000 and doing some tests using both amps, and didn't notice any feedback problems with the reverb.

We haven't heard back on whether turning off the reverb solves the problem, and until we do we can't assume that is what is causing this particular problem.

Posted: 4 Apr 2005 8:07 am
by Mike Brown
Call me toll free at 1-877-732-8391, ext. 1180 and I'll be glad to assist. I am in the office from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday CST. I look forward to assisting you.

Mike Brown
Peavey Electronics Corporation

Posted: 6 Apr 2005 7:56 am
by Randy (Fuzzy) Whitener
Farris did you figure out the problem with the amp,I am thinking about getting a 112.
Thanks Fuzzy

Posted: 6 Apr 2005 8:46 am
by Gene Jones
I have been considering buying a 112 because of the weight and convenience but the above posts indicate that it has a spring reverb.

I have had my problems on stage with a spring reverb (Session 500) and can't help but wonder if the same problem will occur with the 112 when someone walks or dances across the stage?

....any comments from those with experience?

Posted: 6 Apr 2005 10:00 am
by Jack Stoner
Normally the reverb spring won't cause noise on a "normal" stage unless it's old and weak and is sagging.

I had a Session 500 that developed that after about 12 years of "heavy" use, replaced the reverb pan and no more problems.

I've got a 112 that I sit on an Amp stand. I don't normally use the reverb as I use a POD XT for reverb and delay. But I've tried it on occasion, on stage, and there wasn't any noise. I wouldn't even consider that an issue with a new amp.

Posted: 6 Apr 2005 11:11 am
by Bob Hamilton
Farris, try moving the reverb bag away from the speaker magnet. Mine was like that, and I reached in and shoved the bag away from the speaker (toward the rear of the amp) and the problem went away. It's worth a try, there are pretty close quarters in this little amp. BH

Posted: 6 Apr 2005 12:45 pm
by Farris Currie
sorry guys,i been down in the hips and back, bad,tomorrow i find out for sure,taking it out front,turn it up and i will reply tomorrow night.gonna get to the bottom of this for sure, or blow it up. i will try all i know, change guitars, pedals, pickups, cords ect. sorry i have delayed but i've really been down.sorry didn't mean to put this topic off. farris

Posted: 6 Apr 2005 2:04 pm
by Randy Gilliam
Sell It And Get A Steel King . It fixed my problem. Randy in S. a.

Posted: 6 Apr 2005 3:47 pm
by Jerry Roller
I have two Nashville 112's and I do not know of any amp that I would be willing to trade even for if I could not get another 112. Well, maybe a new Standel but certainly nothing costing under $1000.00. Mike can help if you have a problem if you will give him a chance.
Jerry<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Jerry Roller on 06 April 2005 at 04:49 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 6 Apr 2005 4:34 pm
by Jeff Lampert
<SMALL>the same problem will occur with the 112 when someone walks or dances across the stage?</SMALL>
Gene, I've played on a number of stages with a 112 and have noticed no such problem. As far as any opinions about the sound, it has been endorsed by quite a number of pros.

Jeff's Jazz

Posted: 7 Apr 2005 7:58 am
by Jack Abraham
Some thoughts for you. About two weeks ago - at the end of a gig - I noticed a strange "hum" coming from my N112. I thought at the time that it was a bad cord- so, I basically ignored it.

When setting up early last night, the hum was still there. I tried every possible combination of setups,cords, etc. - but, the problem did not go away. When my bandmates arrived, I hooked-up to one of their amps (an old Fender Twin)- the hum was still there.

So, we connected his guitar to my N112 - NO hum. After doing some further checking, we found that there is a problem with the grounding in my input jack/pickup. This might not be anything at all related to what you are experiencing -- but, thought I would mention what I had run into.

Posted: 7 Apr 2005 8:42 am
by Bill Findlay
I had a hum problem on my NV112 when the reverb was turned up to around 4 or more...
Found that it is very sensitive to a wall wart being too close to the rear bottom of the amp...or at some points on the top..
also readjusted the reverb as far to the rear of the amp as possible...also reversed the reverb wires connection points which helped.... It much better altho I usually don't my reverb past 3 ot so.......

Posted: 7 Apr 2005 3:18 pm
by Farris Currie
can't believe the wonderful responses!!well i got down in my hips and back for 4 days,so i just got back on trying some more.
Latest,i won't to say,wow what a little amp.
I bought a T T pickup from Jerry Wallace,he wound it to 18,000.put it in yesterday,put on new strings,Tommy White Jags,set the pickup way down,went out in the shop,hooked up Hilton pedal.put the Peavy 112 on number 5 volume,reverb on number 4,that is the sweetest sounding amp i've played in a long time. now if i put reverb on number 5 it will feed back bad. and way,most of us don't even use the reverb from amp.but number 4 is plenty for most anyone time out i will turn reverb off and hook up my Boss dd3 and delay,but i will say to all that this is a fine little set up now.and i'm using a little pro1 SHO-BUD. GOD bless you all, great friends

Posted: 8 Apr 2005 5:23 am
by Mike Brown
Farris, try moving the vinyl bag which contains the reverb pan away from the speaker. Also, make sure that the bag fits as loosely as possible around the pan. If this doesn't work, please call me and I will assist in resolving this for you. Toll free at 1-877-732-8391, ext. 1180 from 8am to 5pm CST Monday through Friday. I'll await your call.

Mike Brown
Peavey Electronics Corporation

Posted: 8 Apr 2005 1:55 pm
by Fred Shannon
Well surprise. My Peavey 112 is humming like a smooth running watch. I spent some time with Mike Brown on the number listed in this thread and after a short time a minor problem was corrected and everything is super. Best amp I've ever used for Steel and the reverb is tremendous. This means i dont have to wag around a Lexicon or even the RV3. This reverb is good enough for this old cowpoke.

Wonder how many more amp manufacturers have a Mike Brown on board who specializes in Steel guitar? Well Duh!!


"From Truth, Justice is Born"--Quanah Parker-1904