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Dennis Rehrig

Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 3 Mar 2005 4:32 pm    
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Glenn Austin


Montreal, Canada
Post  Posted 3 Mar 2005 9:13 pm    
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Because Peavey make them and sells them for 1/10 th price. my guess
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Bill Crook


Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Post  Posted 4 Mar 2005 3:06 pm    
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I may stand corrected here but.............

The "Peavey" mod consist of only the "chip replacements, while the "LeMay mod" consist of chip replacement AND a few cap and resistor re-placement parts. While I feel that the "LeMay mod" is somewhat better that the "Peavey" mod, due to it really bringing out the lows and highs, I must say that I understand why "Peavey" dosen't endorse or make changes in the tone area is due to the fact that most speakers (it don't make no matter whose it is) CANNOT handle the greater signal presented to the speaker. They have to warrenty the amp for a period and they understand that an amp that over-powers the speaker is asking for trouble. I share their decision here. As a test, I built (modified) a power-amp that I used two 450 volt power MOSFITS @ 250 volt +- rails (this equaled to 500 volt swing across the speaker) and this killed a large number of speaker devices, simply by playing at a very low volumne. Granted that the lows were "IN YOUR FACE" at extreamly low volumnes, the overall results is that you can blow speakers coils simply by too much power to them.

I,personally would suggest useing the "Peavey" mod as to the other mods in order to keep repair problems down to a minumum.

And yes, The "Peavey" mod is much less than the "LeMay"mod.

This is only my thoughts...........

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 5 Mar 2005 2:53 am    
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Bill, the Lemay and Peavey mods for the Nashville 400 are identical except for one additional capacitor that the Lemay mod changes and the Lemay mod also reverses the polarity of one capacitor.

I've tried the extra cap in the Nashville 400 that I used to have and didn't like it, as it made the bass too "boomy". The polarity of the cap (a different cap than the extra bass cap) doesn't seem to make any difference.

The "mod" for the Profex II's just change the op-amps. I can't compare the Peavey mods for other amps, but I have installed one of the Lemay "mods" in an older Session 400 and that one replaces all the electrolytics on the preamp board and quiets it down and brings it back to "life". Sort of like retubing a tube amp.
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