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Author Topic:  Hot" ouput signal / Peavey Profex 1000 combo


Holmdel, NJ
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2005 9:05 am    
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I'm hoping someone can help me with a problem i'm having.. I play a Williams thru a Profex 11 into a Nashville 1000. When I use the line out on the back of the 1000, to go direct to the board, the signal is so "hot" you can hear my picking hand "thumping loudly " thru the mains.. I'm forced to "mike" the amp to resolve the problem..
Can someone tell me the proper Profex/1000 settings that might reduce the output signal of the 1000 ?
As ALWAYS ...any help is very much appreciated

Bob Grado, Williams D10 (lefty), Peavey 1000,
Profex ll.

[This message was edited by BobG on 01 March 2005 at 09:06 AM.]

[This message was edited by BobG on 01 March 2005 at 10:42 AM.]

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Hook Moore

South Charleston,West Virginia
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2005 11:25 am    
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If you have a pretty hot pickup you might try lowering it away from the strings a little.

Allen Moore

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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2005 1:21 pm    
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Bob, you need to try this: Delete the EQ from the Profex II program, then reverse the output and mix percentages on each effect.
To do this go to edit mode and place curser under the first effect, hit edit and move the curser to mix and run it back from 100% to 20% or so. Then place the curser under the + after the effect, hit edit run the output from the 20 or so up to 100. Do this on each effect and that includes placing the curser immediately after the last effect in the chain though there is no + there it will still give the output reading which you should run up to 100. This procedure eliminates the preamp of the Profex II and it is now an effects unit only so the signal will be only one preamp. Give it a try on one setting you use most of see how it works out. This works great on a chain that is in series (effects connected with +) If the chain is parallel you have to experiment with it after the EQ is removed. To remove EQ place the curser under the 3B, 4B or whatever ID's the EQ and hit the add/delete button to delete the EQ. As long as you don't hit the store button you are not going to permantly change a program. If you make the change on a setting and you like it then you can hit the store button. You might want to store a favorite program over one you don't like and you can change one and still have it on the other setting.
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Holmdel, NJ
Post  Posted 2 Mar 2005 4:23 am    
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Thanks for the replies.. Jerry..I'll give that a try and let you know how it works out.. I appreciate you help.

Bob Grado, Williams D10 (lefty), Peavey 1000,
Profex ll.

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