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Author Topic:  Damaged Profex 2 and Transtubefex
Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 4 Jan 2005 4:32 pm    
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Just finished a battery change in a Profex 2 for another Forum member. It drained a new battery in just over a few days! This one had leaked and I though I had got all of it, not so. Just under the battery itself a bit of black material (corrosion, no doubt) was going from battery plus to a small solder pad located under the battery. That is where it was getting a discharge path.

I have a Transtubefex on the way that is all wacked out from a bad battery. Hope this one can be salavaged. I have now read several comments on the Peavey Repair Forum and the Tubefex Forum about more damaged units. One on the Tubefex Forum was returned, unrepairable!

Peavey does not have spare circuit boards. Again, take a look at the battery. If it has not leaked it will eventually. I am checking now with Peavey to see if the Tim Batts chip might work in a Profex 2. I found the same factory memory chip as a Profex 2 in an early Tubefex (version 1.0) that I had in for a chip exchange the other day. That leads me to believe it was either totally different than all later versions or the Profex 2 chip would work in a Tubefex and vise versa. If so, no more batteries from me, I will be doing only memory chips.
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Dustin Rigsby

Parts Unknown, Ohio
Post  Posted 4 Jan 2005 6:36 pm    
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Can you do a chip conversion in a Profex 1 ?

D.S. Rigsby
Wilcox SD10 3&5

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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 5 Jan 2005 7:10 am    
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Right now I am still uncertain about the Profex 2. I have never seen or worked on a Profex 1 and do not have a schematic. It would be interesting to know what memory chip was used in it. I hope to have word on the possiblity of using a chip in the Profex 2 soon.
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John De Maille

On a Mountain in Upstate Halcottsville, N.Y.
Post  Posted 5 Jan 2005 1:20 pm    
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Does that mean, that, if one installs the "chip", you no longer have to worry about the ProFex 11 battery? I have a ProFex 11 and I don't know if the battery has been replaced or not. I'd hate to have it screw up and ruin the unit. Do you have any idea how long the battery is good for?
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 5 Jan 2005 3:00 pm    
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So far I have been told the chip will not work in a Profex 2. However I found the same memory chip in an early Tubefex (version 1.0 firmware) as I always find in a Profex 2. So I have asked Peavey if the the the old Profex chip is basically the same as the one in the Tubefex and Transtubefex. I hope to have an answer soon.

As far as batteries, 5 years is the recommende max. I have seen them start leaking in less than two years before. If exposed to a freeze, the batteries can rupture. That happened to me on two Peavey Autograph units and promply ruined both circuit boards. Just take the lid off and take a look. These batteries all eventually start to leak.
Let's face it, it is an item that must be changed from time to time. Would you run your car on the sames oil and never change it? Why wait for it to throw a rod thru the piston wall before you realize it needed an oil change!

[This message was edited by Ken Fox on 05 January 2005 at 03:03 PM.]

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Larry Dahl


Melbourne, FL USA
Post  Posted 6 Jan 2005 3:26 am    
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I own two Pofex II's and at this point am afraid to look inside, after reading about this condition. Why couldn't the battery be removed, and wire leads soldered in, and the battery be located elsewhere?
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