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Author Topic:  Profex II or Profex II controller unit
Bill Crook


Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Post  Posted 20 Sep 2004 12:58 pm    
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I am havin a serious problem finding a display module,(or a way to back-light the existing unit) for the "Profex II" unit or the controller device.

Does anyone have a display module for the controller or "Profex II" unit that they would consider selling ..... as these devices are out of production,(read as not avalable) they would sell or help devise a means to up-date the unit, Please let me know !!!

I am pursueing several different methodes of backlighting the display unit,but have not really made a positive decision about what to do with it.

O. K. ............ All you Electronics techs' give me input here as I am trying to keep the "Profex II" alive and help the Steel players utilize the "Profex II" unit.

I realize that the "Profex II" is not the lastest and best unit,(as of 2004) but all in all, it has the most popular (and best) settings for the PSG players.

If you wish to contact me via e-mail Please do so at:

Bill Crook


[This message was edited by Bill Crook on 21 September 2004 at 04:02 AM.]

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Bill Crook


Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Post  Posted 21 Sep 2004 3:10 am    
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Hello again to all.....................

I do not need the complete controller(or ProFex II),only the display unit.
What happens with the Profex II and the controller is that display systems often-times goes very dim due to the back-lighting LED's failure. I believe this failure is due to the rough handling and such. The wires that connect to the 20 LED's are much smaller that a human hair,plus are only about a 64th of an inch in length.

If one looks at a clear cased LED through a magnifier glass, you can see how fine these wire are.
Now, take away the protective case, that's what we have in the display modules. 20 of them each smaller than a pin-point. They break under just normal ware and tare, after a few of these go bad, it's hard to read the display. I'm working on another way to backlight the display, but still have a few kinks to contend with.

Thanks for the offers for complete units but I only need the display modules.


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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 21 Sep 2004 5:40 am    
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We still have parts for the backlit display at the factory. They are as follows;
#70400041-20 x 2 LCD display
#73717040-17 pin header
#70901858-standoffs(4 each)

You may contact our Parts Department for pricing at 1-877-732-8391 between the hours of 8am and 5pm CST.

Mike Brown
Peavey Electronics Corporation
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