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Author Topic:  Mystery steel


Edinburgh, UK
Post  Posted 18 Jan 2002 6:43 am    
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My local music store has a lap steel for sale at a pretty good price... I can't tell wether it's a homebrewed job or not. If so, it's pretty well made (looks like mahogany) but some things make it look manufactured (obviously, there's no logo).

For a start, it's fitted with a horseshoe pickup (considerably thicker than on my Ricky NS 100), which itself is installed in a pretty thick cast aluminum bridge/electornics unit.

On the homebrew side, it doesn't have fret markings... anyone know of any manufacturers who incorporated this rather confusing 'feature'?

One other thing, it comes with a weird wooden case that fits its shape exactly, and opens like a clam shell, along its width, not length (that probably sounds confusing).



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