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Author Topic:  Pod XT Users
Randy Pettit


North Texas USA
Post  Posted 2 Sep 2003 6:25 am    
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I just picked up a Pod xt last week and have been experimenting quite a bit using it as a headphone amp (fabulous!) and as a preamp (power amp in) in my Nashville 1000. The only "stock" setting I've had any success with is the "Sultans of Swing" patch, which I tweaked by increasing the bass to full, cutting the mid-range back to about 3 or 4, and cutting the drive back to about 1. I may have also boosted the presence up to about 8 or 9 - I don't recall the original settings for that patch. Overall, the Roland Jazz, and Fender Twin amp models (2x12) seem to give the best tone.

I haven't had a chance to try it live yet, but I have noticed that when used as a preamp, the Pod xt lacks the tonal bottom end compared to the Peavey's EQ circuits. I suppose using the it live and direct, I suppose I could reshape the tone at the board, but I'll just have to try it and hear for myself.

I'd be curious to hear any success stories or other suggestions from Pod xt users, both direct, and as an effects unit/preamp.

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