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John Russell


Austin, Texas
Post  Posted 23 Jul 2003 8:15 pm    
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I just spent about an hour re-configuring my effect pedals on their board with all the velcro and wire ties. I went back to my computer power strip that accomodates the wide wall warts.

Any suggestions to simplify this business of powering effects pedals? I'm using a Boss EQ, a Boss analog delay and a ART digital reverb. The reverb box needs a 1 amp/9 volt PS. The other two run off a 300 ma/9 volt PS they share via a Y cord. I occasionally add a Tube Screamer and a phase shifter. I swore off 9 volt batteries years ago so I power everything via AC power supply units. How can I run all this stuff on one power supply. I've seen some rigs in the musician's supply catalogs but they seem kinda pricey plus they include the case which I don't need.

Suggestions? --JR
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Larry Bell

Englewood, Florida
Post  Posted 24 Jul 2003 6:35 am    
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Something I saw John Hughey do years ago is simple and effective. Dedicate a power strip to your fx wall warts and duct tape the power supplies to the strip.

Another thing I've found useful, especially for a rack with a power conditioner that often doesn't accommodate wall warts is a device called 'Dr Ferd's Wall Wart Remover'. It's essentially a 1/2" thick square of plastic about the size of one of the power supplies, with a short length of power cable so the wart doesn't have to plug directly into the strip. They look like this:

Larry Bell - email: - gigs - Home Page
2003 Fessenden S/D-12 8x8, 1969 Emmons S-12 6x6, 1971 Dobro, Standel and Peavey Amps

[This message was edited by Larry Bell on 24 July 2003 at 07:36 AM.]

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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 24 Jul 2003 12:21 pm    
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Hey John. Here's a couple of options:




2a & 2b are the same product, different dealers. I've done a good transaction recently for a different product with the ebay guy. And come to think of it, I've done a good deal with the musictoyz dude too.

These products look like they will do what you need. However, I have no experience with either so I can't make any claims.
It would seem that the Godlyke PA-9's claim of 1.7 amps is what you need with that power hungry ART.
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Gino Iorfida


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 24 Jul 2003 1:04 pm    
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about $10 cheaper than the godlyke (they also have a 30watt supply which would give you a LTO of extra headroom for about the same price as the Godlyke model)... the advantage to these is that htey are NOT walol warts, rather are in an external box about the size of a small stompbox, and use a standard 3 prong cable, easier to deal with... and either make yoru own or buy a daisy chain cable (i personally like making my own, sending hot + ground only to the first pedal, and the +9v only to the remaining pedals,let them ground through the patch cables-- avoids the nasty groud loops that can happen when using a single supply or any supplies with a 'y' cable.
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 24 Jul 2003 3:41 pm    
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Most interesting, Gino. If you get a chance, could you describe your home made daisy chain again, writing it as if you were talking to a dim, slow child? For a friend of mine. Oh, ok, for me.
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John Russell


Austin, Texas
Post  Posted 24 Jul 2003 6:38 pm    
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Hmm. I knew there was a better way.

Yeah, Gino, elaborate on that daisy chain if you would. I'm wondering if you have, say, five plugs and only use three, will it work? Gets into a series/parallel issue, I guess. Not my strong suit. --JR
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Gino Iorfida


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 24 Jul 2003 6:45 pm    
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no series parallel per se,
Remember, most of the 'new' type effects with the barrel plug use the center as ground, and the ring as positive (jsut check your pedal for how it's wired, but simply:

power supply ++++++First++++++Second+++++etc
power supply ------Plug plug

simply wire BOTH wires from the power supply to the first plug, most daisy chains would then tap off of that first plug's positive and negative to feed the second plug and so on, simply eliminate the negative AFTER it hits the second unit. I'll see if I can draw up something a little better and post it as an image if anyone nees more clarification
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David Mullis


Rock Hill, SC
Post  Posted 24 Jul 2003 7:12 pm    
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Something else that works really well if you're using Boss pedals, or other pedals that have the same voltage, polarity and power plugin as a boss it the Boss PSM Power Supply pedal. One wall wart plugs into it and the rest (up to 6 I think, maybe more) just daisy chain off of the PSM pedal. An added bonus is, the PSM pedal also acts as a bypass. It has a loop for all of your FX, and a guitar input and amp out. One touch of the pedal bypasses the FX loop all together! That's really nice if you have any fx in line that are not full bypass when off. You can get these pretty reasonable off of Ebay, or used gear sites. I think I paid $80 for mine and it looked brand new! If you do buy a used one, make sure it comes with the daisy chain cable to get power to your other pedals.

Take Care
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