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Webb 614 e Speaker

Posted: 19 Jul 2003 4:32 am
by Michael Wilson
When I play on the C6 neck and play the lower strings the speaker sound like it's going to blow out of the cabinet. The sound is not clean. It's a JBL k 130 4 speaker. The speaker is not cracked or anything. When I increase the sensitivity it dimishes somewhat. It's an older amp and hasen't been used for many years and I've just started using it. Could it be that the pots need to be cleaned? Would like to hear any suggestions.

Posted: 19 Jul 2003 6:19 am
by Jay Ganz
I don't think the old K-140's can handle
the full power of the Webb. So, when you
punch those lower frequencies, the JBL can
only take so much. It sounds fine on
the E9th, right?

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Posted: 19 Jul 2003 9:24 am
by Jerry Overstreet
Certaintly no authority on JBL's, but I used a K-130 in both stereo configuration in a Mosvalve rig and alone in a LeMay modded NV400 and never had any problems leaning on it on C6...but Jay may be sounds like a voice coil rub or over excursion of the cone...I suggest you inspect the edge surround for tears [where the cone joins the frame] they sometimes deteriorate there over the years.....otherwise I
would contact the amp builder Mr. Jimmie Webb about your problem...He be the expert

Posted: 19 Jul 2003 10:32 am
by Donny Hinson
Remove the amp from the cabinet, and run a few feet of wire from the amp to the speaker...then play your C6th stuff. This will isolate the amp from the speaker's vibrations and you'll be able to tell if the problem is something loose in the amp (bad connector, or cold solder joint), or a bad speaker.

Keep in mind, though, that bad electrolytic caps in the amp can also cause a breakdown under the severe loads of C6th playing. If you remove the amp from the cabinet, and still hear the "breakup", try another speaker (if you have one available) before you replace the old one.

Posted: 19 Jul 2003 11:01 am
by Bobby Lee
A lot of steel players have blown out the original K-130-4 speakers in those amps. My first one lasted for 15 years, but my friends who bought Webb amps around the same time I did weren't so lucky.

At this point, I have a K-130-4 in the amp and another in an extension cabinet. Both have been reconed. I tend to baby them because I know that the recone kits are no longer available.

And yes, they do crap out on very low notes. They aren't really bass speakers.

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Roland Handsonic, Line 6 Variax</font>

Posted: 21 Jul 2003 1:06 pm
by Chick Donner
I have two older 614-E's, and have Black Widows in both. Tried the JBL's (which I use in my ShoBud single channel amps), but went back to BW's in the Webbs. Better sound.

However, if your amp has some age on it, better check the power supply filters just because they should be checked.