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Author Topic:  Bass guitar simulator
Geoff Brown

Post  Posted 17 Jun 2003 8:15 pm    
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I'm wondering if there is a gizmo out there that will do a nice job of converting a guitar signal to give it a bass guitar sound. I'm not talking about modelers like the bass POD, but a stand-alone unit that will give me a quality bass sound. I've already messed around with octave pedal and pitch shifters,and they don't cut it. I have a bass, but what looks to be a chronic nerve problem in my left hand makes it tough for me to get around on it. Plus, the bass is cheap, and sounds it too Someone mentioned the Roland GR-33 guitar synth. It has a lot of other sounds on it that I would likely never use, and the price tag stings a bit too. Suggestions?
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Michael Holland

Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2003 5:45 am    
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Hi Geoff,

You can always trigger a bass guitar sample if you have a keyboard. The problem with playing samples is that the technique is never as good as actually playing a part on a guitar. Since I'm out of work I'll come over and play bass parts for you on my USA Guild Pilot for $20 a side. I can go direct using a tube pre-amp or bring a vintage tube bass amp to mic. And if you need I'll bring pedal steel, electric lead, acoustic guitar, resonator, lap, whatever you want. Anybody else got any demo work here in town?
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Geoff Brown

Post  Posted 18 Jun 2003 6:01 am    
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Hey Michael,

Thanks for the offer. I'm not doing any demos, just doing some home recording that probably wouldn't be worthy of calling a demo I have a JV-1010 synth module, but like you said,playing the part on a keyboard just doesn't have the feel. The new Roland I mentioned would probably give me what I want, but as I said, it's pricey for me at around $600. I know that the Boss portable multitrackers have a bass simulator feature. I don't what it sounds like tho. But you would think that they (Roland/BOSS) would have a pedal of some kind that would do that, but there is nothing on the Roland site.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2003 6:03 am    
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Many Bass players spend their entire Bass playing career trying to find that quality sound..

Jbass with SWR..?
or is it a Pbass with Hartke..I mean Trace Elliot.. no thats Ampeg..wait..
what I meant was Gallien Kruger( not to be confused with Freddy)

And then them dang strings..

SS or Nickel wrap, yes but what gauge ?

I went looking to find that quality effect unit or synth that would give a good overall Bass sound..

I ended up with a Jazz Bass and 350 watt Hartke 4X10 system..

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Erv Niehaus

Litchfield, MN, USA
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2003 6:18 am    
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In my youth, before pedals, I played a T-8 Fender Stringmaster. One of the necks was set up to put on heavy strings (the holes on the tuners were larger). I put bass strings on the bottom 4 strings on this neck and played bass with the bar. Worked good!
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Geoff Brown

Post  Posted 18 Jun 2003 7:34 am    
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Jaysus...I'm sorry I asked. b0b...feel free to close this thread. Waste of bandwidth.
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