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Author Topic:  AMAZING new TC effects Unit -great deal!
Mark van Allen

Watkinsville, Ga. USA
Post  Posted 16 Jan 2003 10:38 am    
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For those of you looking for one all-around effects unit to use with either a rack system or a stand alone amp, there's a new kid on the block you should check out- the TC Electronic M300. TC effects have been around as high end studio processors for years, reknowned for the clarity and quality of their reverbs and delays. They have just released this one-space monster, which is a dedicated two engine unit (two separate effects in one box), one dedicated to delays, chorus, phaser, etc. and the other to reverb. I just got one of these for the studio and may have to include another in my rack steel rig- EVERY place you put the knobs sounds AMAZING. And yes, knobs, no menus or screens to scroll through, just simple knobs that change the parameters you most want to change, already loaded with great sounds at each setting, and when you tweeze to your preference, easily saved to 99 user locations. I'm using it on a CD mix right now and the client wants it on EVERYTHING, it sounds that good. The delays are smooth and creamy and have good emulations of tube echo and digital delays, a tap tempo fuction with a knob to change that tempo from 1/2 to 2x (very musical live!) and the reverbs have that expensive TC sound. You might think I'm a salesman with this pitch, but this is just such a good unit I thought everyone should have a heads up... here's the best part- $199 from Musician's Friend. A real no brainer for anyone wanting quality effects. Here's the tC link:
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