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Author Topic:  The Song(HOLD IT)on non-pedal Steel
Donald Fullmer


Post  Posted 10 Oct 2001 4:40 pm    
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Has anyone tried to play this song on Lap Steel?It would need too sound like the pedal players do it.What tuning would be best?I welcome every ones coments.


Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 10 Oct 2001 6:01 pm    
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I would play that song on an 8-string guitar with this version of the C6 tuning (low to high):


There would be mucho slant bar technique involved.

Herb's Steel Guitar Pages
Texas Steel Guitar Association

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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 11 Oct 2001 7:40 pm    
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I'd use down: E C A G E C#

By using the bar, slant and slur technique, you can create pedal sounds on first and second strings; second and third strings; first and third strings; first and fourth strings.
On Jerry Byrd's "One Rose"....he does a fabulous four movement bar slant on the first and second strings; sraight bar, then reverse slant...raising the second string up one fret; then, bring the nose of the bar up to that same fret to a straight bar position;
then drop that first string down one fret to be followed by the second string also coming down to that same fret. GREAT SOUND!
You can also slide up to anywhere, using the second and third strings and go into a reverse slant; to be followed by bringing the nose of the bar up to a straight bar position and then dropping the second string down into a standard forward slant. These are of course, seperate as to sound like pedal changes.
Similar tricks can utilize the first and third strings, starting up three frets from the home chord position.
HOpe this gives you somewhere to start.
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