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Author Topic:  Bw 1501-4
James Quackenbush


Pomona, New York, USA
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2002 7:46 am    
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I am fairly new to the world of pedal steel, and normally use speakers that have a nice break up for playing guitar through...I also use a Bi-amped setup since I am a keyboard player by trade...Now that I am using pedal steel, I am using JBL's and EV's for my clean pedal steel playing..I have never had the opportunity to play through a BW 1501-4...Can someone please describe the differences in tone between say a JBL, and a BW 1501-4...I realize that the BW handles a lot more power, so what I am interested in is what the TONE differences are in the different speakers...
Thanks in advance....Jim
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Earnest Bovine

Los Angeles CA USA
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2002 8:56 am    
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Can someone please describe the differences in tone between say a JBL, and a BW 1501-4
I have one of each with my Stereo Steel amp which allows quick comparisons. The JBL D130F sounds muddy and muffled compared to the Peavey. I was surprised to discover this, since I had always thought of JBLs as having a nice crystal clear top end. Gerry Walker (Stereo Steel) and I compared several JBLs and BWs with the same results. We always preferred the Peavey speaker.
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Gene Jones


Oklahoma City, OK USA, (deceased)
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2002 9:39 am    
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I'm not sure that I can really distinguish the difference with my back turned (my ears are not that good these days)...but the Peaveys are cheaper!
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2002 9:45 am    
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Ernest, I'm glad that you got the chance to A/B the two speakers. The 1501-4 BW shallow basket speaker was created by requests by some of our endorsement artists. But, the main reason that we started making our own speakers was because of JBL themselves. When the first Session 400 was designed back in 1974, we used a 15" JBL made for Peavey speaker. Unfortunately, JBL would not stand behind their warranty in those days, so, the Black Widow was created and continues to improve and be considered one of the best sounding and most reliable speakers in the marketplace today. It is even reasonably priced and features our replacable basket.
See this link;

If you have any questions, please contact me here at Peavey and I will be glad to answer them for you. 1-877-732-8391

Mike Brown
Peavey Electronics Corporation
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