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Bob Jackson


Regina Saskatchewan Canada
Post  Posted 15 Nov 2002 3:52 pm    
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I have an MSA S10 Classic and have been talking to Herby Walace about a True Tone pickup for it. He will need dimensions of the pickup and mounting holes to supply the pickup. Would anyone have one of these pickups out of the guitar so that it could be measured. Any help would be appreciated.


Bob Jackson
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Gino Iorfida


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 15 Nov 2002 5:17 pm    
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Are you sure you didn't mean Jerry Wallace

Anyways, i recently replaced a SuperSustain pickup out of an MSA with a TrueTone (you can see the pickup in my guitar on the jerry wallace music page). Because of the mounting etc, Jerry recommended removing the original pickup from the mounting plate, andusingin heavy duty double sided foam tape to hold the pickup to the mounting plate. It worked GREAT for me.

Anyways, the pickups mounting plates are 1-3/4" wide, by about 2-1/2" long, with screws centered at 2-1/8" =--which would be right under the poles of a TrueTone -- I think the doublesided foam tape is the best bet.
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Bob Jackson


Regina Saskatchewan Canada
Post  Posted 15 Nov 2002 8:41 pm    
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Thanks Gino and you are right it was Jerry Walace, sorry about that. What do you think of the pickup you put in your guitar? Did it change the tone much or do you have much more hum?

Bob Jackson
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Gino Iorfida


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2002 12:04 am    
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The tone is great! Very balanced, all the low end and high end you'll ever need, and best of all, the mids are in proportion to where they SHOULD be-- not the overabundance of the nasally mids that a lot of humbucking pickups would give.

As for the hum, it's no worse than what I have with my Telecaster or any 6 string with single coil pickups, and actually it seems LESS than on my 6 strings-- dont know if it's due to how the pickup is oriented, or all the metal in the guitar is shielding or what, but it's definitely NOT a problem.
-- put it this way, listen to any of the classic recordings done on Emmons or ShoBuds, they dont have humbuckers, or for that matter, most country for as long as I can remember was done with single coil telecasters or strats...
The only time you'd notice the hum would be between songs, but hey, thats why volume pedals turn the signal completely off when rocked back
Jerry's service is simply the best. He has a good return policy, but I have a feeling that once you try one of these pickups, you wont need the return policy

... if you get one and have questions on how the tape mounting worked etc, drop me a line.
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