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Pick-up on 60's Höfner ?

Posted: 17 Sep 2001 10:56 am
by klinke
Hello friends !
As of yesterday I am the proud owner of a 60's Höfner bluesguitar in tobaccoburst. My idea was to equip it with a pick-up and I was adviced in a local store. The guy told me that they had a George Benson Sign. PU, and that it would be great in such a guitar. He also told me it would make a lot of noise if distorted, or in other words FEED LIKE HELL ! But if anyone can give me a better advice on a more bluestype PU which can take distortion I'd be really glad !
What is actually the cause of the huge feed?
Thank you
Greetings from Valdemar in Denmark

Posted: 17 Sep 2001 3:50 pm
by Brad Bechtel
I'm afraid I'm not much help, as I've never actually played a Höfner lap steel. This IS a lap steel, right, and not one of the more common archtop guitars?

The feedback you're referring to could be due to the construction of the pickups or due to some other thing I don't know about.
Give us some more information about how the feedback is occurring. Are you too close to the amplifier, or do you have the amp turned up too loud?

Brad's Page of Steel
A web site devoted to acoustic & electric lap steel guitars

Posted: 18 Sep 2001 12:27 pm
by Michael Frede
Acoustical Feedback w/a magnetic P/U is generally caused by loose windings of the coil(s),bobbins,magnets,or a combination of all three,creating a microphonic codition.Some of them can be bad enough that you can actually "talk" into them.Dipping the P/U in molten paraffin or potting in epoxy can minimize this effect.Feedback through magnetic coupling will occur if you bring your guitar too close to your speaker allowing the magnetic field generated by the voice coil to be induced into the P/U's coil(s).

Posted: 18 Sep 2001 11:32 pm
by Dave Boothroyd
A cautionary note. I'm not sure whether Denmark uses American or English conventions, but in case it's English,
"Paraffin" in American = "Candle Wax" or Paraffin Wax" in English
"Paraffin" in English = "Kerosene" in American.
Do not fill your pickups with Kerosene!

Posted: 19 Sep 2001 12:59 pm
by Henning Kock
Hello Klinke,
Call me by telephone, I have some information, I can send you on this matter.
All the best,
Henning Kock
(pedal steel guitar, piano, keyboards)
Henning K. Music
111 Aarhusvej
DK-8300 Odder
phone 8654 2959
e-mail address:
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