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Richard E. Lee


Macedon, NY, USA
Post  Posted 22 Sep 2002 6:04 pm    
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Mike, I'll work this backwards..OK? I an using a Nashville 400, which is getting input from a RV-3 effects, coming out of a Hilton Electronics Pedal..Every time I power up the amp..this things gives me this horrible "crashing" sound,,when I flip the amp on..what am I doing wrong?. I know there is another cableing setup..using the pre-amp..(which I forgot how to do)..but I have heard it is not recommended for use with the electronic pedals..Any ideas on this?
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2002 7:42 am    
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Hello Richard,
Thanks for using the Nashville 400 amp. If the symptom is a "crashing" type of sound, try turning the reverb off and see if it does it. If it doesn't, elminate the DDL-3, then the Hilton pedal. If the amp shows this sypmtom with nothing connected, I would have a tech to benchtest it. I'm afraid that I haven't encountered this.

You might also check with Keith Hilton to see if he has encountered a similar situation with his pedal.

The PRE EQ PATCH is also called the "volume pedal patch". Here's the hookup procedure;
from guitar straight into the input of the amp. Then, use a second cable and connect from the SEND jack on the PRE EQ PATCH to the input of your volume pedal. Using a third cable, connect from the output of the Hilton pedal to the RETURN jack on the amp. I have heard "rumors" that the Hilton pedal will not function properly using this method, but I haven't confirmed this as I don't have a Hilton pedal. Keith Hilton could confirm this.

Mike Brown
Peavey Electronics Corporation
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Richard E. Lee


Macedon, NY, USA
Post  Posted 29 Sep 2002 4:40 pm    
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Mike, thanks so much for the "kick-back". It turns out it WAS that Reverb. I still have a slight "Rushing, hissing" noise in that 500, but the "crashing" is gone. Chalk this up to operator error!
That "rushing noise" seems to pulsate, especially during the initial warmup. Once it get quiets right down.
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