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Paul Crawford

Orlando, Fl
Post  Posted 28 Aug 2001 1:20 pm    
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Here's a subject where everybody is a winner, since I'm certain there is no single answer. For those of us who dabble in lap steel, may have several steels to choose from, have a PSG, and maybe a Dobro hanging around, how do you choose which one to use?

I've just gotten my latest edition to the toy collection, an 8 channel home recording machine. I need to work up some material: some for rhythm tracks; some for my own vanity album; some for demos for song writer friends. I've got tons of original material here and all the toys to play with. I do have some of my own ideas of where which instrument should sound the best, but I'll be darned if I could easily explain those rules to my wife when she asked.

So, just out of general interest, what are your guiding priciples for when you use which axe? This material ranges from blues to rock to country to swing to light jazz. There is room for everything and plenty of time to pick and choose, (that's why I call it a hobby.) Is it styles, music types, speed, effects usage, what? It's got to be one of the most plesent problems we're faced with.
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chas smith R.I.P.

Encino, CA, USA
Post  Posted 28 Aug 2001 3:46 pm    
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For a general answer to a composition question which includes what instruments to write for and what notes to play, I think it's important to work with a limited palette so I can stay focussed on what I want it to do and where I want it to go.

Just because the piano has 88 keys doesn't mean I have to play or want to hear all of them and given all of the possibilities for music, it's really a process of elimination. When I hear too much, it sounds like the composer or player is 'spraying' and doesn't know what to do.

So really it get's down to personal sensibility as to what is the most appropriate vehicle.
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