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Author Topic:  Profex 11 Poblem
Malcolm McMaster

Beith Ayrshire Scotland
Post  Posted 30 May 2002 2:07 am    
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Have anyof you guys had problems with you profex wiping out your user settings and bringing up factory settings . eg user A12 keeps coming up with factory setting B127, and no matter how may times it is programmed it will not come up with user seetings.This applies to about 3 or 4 different settings.Has any one encountered this and if so do they have any suggestions as how to cure it.I had this same problem a few years ago and had to send it to factory (Peavey U.K.) but this takes to long .As Peavey have left us European steel players out in the cold with no products ,would I be better off thinking of using something else like a POD unit which I beleive is available with steel settings?
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Bill Crook


Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Post  Posted 30 May 2002 4:48 am    
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Off hand,I would suspect a bad battery.
It looks like it's not saving the settings when you power down the unit.


You are not saving the setting after you set it up. A quick look at the user's manual can verify this.
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Malcolm McMaster

Beith Ayrshire Scotland
Post  Posted 30 May 2002 4:59 am    
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Hi Bill, battery is fairly new (3 months),and have followed instructions from handbook.Last time I had this problem there was a fault in one of the circuits.Just wondered if there was way round it without having to send it off to Peavey.
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 30 May 2002 6:15 am    
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You can assign a different setting to a user address/location (a factory seeting to a user location). When this is done it will stay there after a download/upload. Try moving the cursor to the right, just under the offending setting. Use the up-down arrows to assign the correct setting back to that user preset location. I have seen this happen more than once! Keep the cursor to the extreme left after making the change or you will reassign something else to that location (when attemping to move to a new
user setting via the up and down arrows).
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