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Author Topic:  Ode to mic bleed!!!!
Matt Steindl


New Orleans, LA, USA
Post  Posted 27 May 2002 9:40 am    
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let me preface this by saying that I usually record alone, and build my songs up by multi-tracking.

For years I strived to keep my individual tracks seperate and free from any blead from other tracks. The results were excelent, but seemed a bit sterile and lacked a live feel.

About 2 years ago, I was being lazy and didnt want to put the cans on, I recorded some vocalsw/ no headphones w/ the playback playing slightly audible in the background. I then did the same for some guitar tracks and leads. You know what, these sloppy(according to the no bleed rule) tracks came together so well and added so much depth and life, that I now rarely use my headphones. Sure, I run into some headaches occasionally when running the tracks through certain plugins, but all in all, it is a more than equitable trade off to give my sterile tracks a little more life.

Anyone else have this experience?

Mattman in "The Big Sleazy"-:
S-10 Dekley, Suitcase Fender Rhodes, B-bender Les Paul

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gary darr


Somewhere out in Texas
Post  Posted 27 May 2002 6:33 pm    
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matt i have done the same thing and have had similar results,the only prob with this is if you have to raise or lower the vocal trak during mixdown,the bleed over goes up and down perspectively...other than that i get a much more "live feel" on tape

Sho-Bud proII custom,Session 500,American standard Strat,Shecter tele,Peavy Classic 50,Fender Vibrolux

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