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Author Topic:  To Add speaker
Sam White R.I.P.


Coventry, RI 02816
Post  Posted 12 Dec 2001 8:30 pm    
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What I want to do is take the head out of my Peavey bandit 75 amp and hook the speaker into my Nashville 400 which I all ready took the head and reverb out of and made a separate case for them and now I want to aliminate the bandit 75 head.Right now I run the both of them off of my Pro Fex II with my Goodrich model 7-A match box.Can I just put another jack on the back of my already separated Nashville head case and run it off the the jack that is already there?
Sam White

[This message was edited by Samuel E. White on 12 December 2001 at 08:31

[This message was edited by Samuel E. White on 12 December 2001 at 08:33 PM.]

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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 13 Dec 2001 7:50 am    
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Hello Sam,
I don't quite understand what you are describing, but I don't advise that you add another speaker jack to the Nashville 400 unless you are going to use an 8 ohm speaker. Then you could add the additional 8 ohm speaker to the additional jack. In other words, the minimum speaker load on a 400 is 4 ohms. The internal speaker of the 400 is also 4 ohms, which means that the amp is producing full power without alteration. Any speaker load impedance other than a 4 ohms will result in somewhat less power. Any speaker load less than 4 ohms will make the amplifier operate hotter, which may cause it to shut down.

Mike Brown
Peavey Electronics Corporation
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Sam White R.I.P.


Coventry, RI 02816
Post  Posted 13 Dec 2001 6:54 pm    
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Mike what I have is I took my Nashville 400 amp and took the head and reverb out of it and made a separate case for it and blocked in the hole where the head was.I run that and the bandit 75 off my Pro Fex II.I want to aliminate the bandit 75 head and just use the speaker from it. I thought I could put another jack or run a splitter from where I plug my nashville speaker and reverb in from the head.If not how can I hook just the speaker into the head.I also am using my 7-A mactch box.Any kind of help would be Appreciated.
Sam White
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