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Tony Harris


Post  Posted 20 May 2001 3:41 am    
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Just curious. Since I bought a POD 2 recently I can compare the sounds of different Fender amp models. Did the designers of these amps build them and find that they all - accidentally - had a different tone? Or were they all deliberately aiming at a particular sound? Also, I've seen a Fender (Vibrasonic?) that had a steel channel and a (clean) guitar channel. What special characteristics would the steel channel have?Thanks.
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Craig A Davidson

Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
Post  Posted 20 May 2001 7:15 am    
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Tony, I would like to know the same things about the "Vibrasonic". Like were the electronics designed for steel or is it just a "Twin Reverb" with a 15" speaker? The front end of a "Twin" is designed for guitar. It has a hotter pre-amp section because guitar pick-ups are weaker than steel pick-ups. Maybe one of our "Fender" experts will tell us.

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Jay Ganz

Out Behind The Barn
Post  Posted 20 May 2001 7:34 am    
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I don't pretend to be an expert but,
most of those old Fenders just naturally
had different tonal characteristics
because of their physical differences.
Alot of 'em had the same preamp section,
but when you varied the output section
(2 6L6's, 4 6L6's, 2 6V6's) plus cabinet
sizes & speaker sizes & combinations,
you'd just naturally get various tones
unique to each individual amp.
The old 70's Vibrasonics were pretty much
identical to the Twin Reverbs of that
period other than the slighlty different
output transformer to accomidate the
single 15" speaker. Of course, most of
them used 15" JBL's as well. They sounded
way different than the stock Fender 12"
ones used in the Twins.
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 20 May 2001 7:44 pm    
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Well, my own opinion is that any "device" (whether an "add-on" unit like the POD, or an amplifier with built-in "modeling") is at best...a very crude approximation of another amp's "clean" sounds. There is just no way you can make two twelves sound like four tens, or make one fifteen sound like two eights...etc, etc. Now I'll grant that you do get different tone with the settings they provide, but you can pretty much do that with ordinary tone controls. I think the advantage of using "modeling devices" is very limited when it comes to steel guitar.

But, in the world of straight guitars, they're far more useful. Straight guitar players are much more concerned with controlled distortion to emulate a certain sound. They play mostly without the benefit of volume pedals, and therefore the "overdrive-crunch-distortion" thing can be key to their sound. Modeling devices can replicate the different types of distortion you get from different amps pretty accurately.

As to your questions about the differences in Fender amp sounds, Jay is right on the money. The most noticeable differences come from the output stages, and the different cabinet/speaker configurations.

[This message was edited by Donny Hinson on 20 May 2001 at 08:49 PM.]

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