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Author Topic:  Fender Stage 160 amp for PSG
Garry S.Pugh


Post  Posted 17 May 2001 7:37 am    
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Has anyone tried, or is presently using, this amplifier for pedal steel? I played through one yesterday using a Fender Strat and it sounded good. I just wonder what it would sound like for steel.

I was attracted to it primarily for the weight. It is quite a bit lighter than my Peavey amps and at 160 watts it seems to have enough power. I would appreciate any comments from those who have used one.

Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 17 May 2001 8:06 am    
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I have a Stage 112SE, and it does a pretty good job for a small amp. It's rated 118 watts with the built-in 12" speaker, and 160 watts with an extension speaker. The only weak point is the short 3-spring reverb tank. It doesnt give the depth of the longer units. But it's easily replaced for about $20. I haven't played (or seen) a Stage 160, but it's probably pretty much the same amp.
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