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More POD stuff

Posted: 5 Apr 2001 6:05 pm
by Dean Brown
I just bought a POD (2.0) and I'm just wondering a couple of things. Some folks mentioned a ver 2.2 chip. What's the difference between 2.0 and 2.1? The Line6 website only mentions the 2.0. The units being shipped to stores today are 2.0s.

Besides that.. Anyone come up with some real clean rich steel settings on this thing?

Posted: 5 Apr 2001 7:17 pm
by Dave Van Allen
Dean- please check your e-mail

Posted: 6 Apr 2001 9:38 pm
by Dean Brown
I got the manual out and just went through some basic settings (65 Twin Reverb) with a little delay and the sound is great! I haven't played it "live" yet, only through my stereo here at home. If it sounds as good through our band's system as it does here at home I'll never carry an amp again.

Posted: 7 Apr 2001 6:57 am
by Jay Ganz
Of course now Boss & Digitech have one of
these kinda contraptions along with
Yamaha & Johnson.

<img src=>
<font face=binnerD color=red size=4> "Turn up the dang STEEL!!!"

Posted: 7 Apr 2001 7:19 am
by Jack Stoner
Almost every effects manufacturer now has a modeling device. I suspect the next incarnation of the Peavey *Fex units will also have modeling in them.

This is interesting on the POD. Most that have posted comments on the Forum about them haven't had much luck with a steel. They all report they work great with a guitar but they are tricky with a steel. Jeff Patterson is the only one I've seen post that is using a POD that seems to be getting what he wants out of it, but from his comments he is also endorsing them.

Posted: 7 Apr 2001 8:00 am
by Fred Murphy
Billy Phelps uses them and seems to like them. I thought he sounded pretty good also. Of course he plays very good also and that helps a lot.

Posted: 7 Apr 2001 9:11 pm
by Dave Van Allen
Gary Morse is also an endorser.If you own a POD you are using for SteelGuitar I suggest you get in touch with him... I'm VERRRRY glad I did.

Gary is at

That's all I can say.

Posted: 8 Apr 2001 5:41 am
by Mike Perlowin
I spoke to one of the techs at Line 6, and suggested a pod for steel players, with Peavey, Webb, Evans, and GD Walker amps modeled, and the sounds that we need programmed in. The tech thought it was a very good idea, and would probably only require a new chip. He suggested that we all write to the company requesting such a chip or unit.

Posted: 8 Apr 2001 10:06 am
by Mike Winfield
I just got back from the Michigan steel show in Grand Rapids(great show!) and I took an all day seminar that included 2 hours with Gary Morse(Dwight Yokum's steel player). He used the POD unit with a Nashville 1000 and an old Sho-Bud. IMHO it was the best sounding rig of the entire weekend which included some of the finest players around(Hughey, Wallace, Wright and others). Gary said that he no longer uses a rack system. He uses the Pod for most of his recording and all his live work. He also mentioned that the 2.0 chip is a little noisy. His unit has the more advanced chip and another person that was taking the seminar said that they were coming out with a 2.3 chip. BTW, if you ever get a chance to take a seminar, JUST DO IT.Well worth the time and money.

Mike Winfield
Carter D-10
Nashville 1000
Boss effects<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Mike Winfield on 08 April 2001 at 11:30 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 9 Apr 2001 3:57 pm
by Danny Hullihen
Mike, I'm very happy to hear that you enjoyed the seminar. Gary's part of this, (and mine that we ran out of time for) was totally unrehersed, and we wasn't quite sure what we would cover, but it looks like it turned out great for everyone who attended. We'll be sure to do this again next year.

Gary is a personal friend of mine going on 30+ years now, and never ceases to amaze me!

I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the show.

Posted: 13 Apr 2001 12:35 pm
by Dean Brown
Well I've figured out some pretty beefy tones for this POD. You can crossmatch Amp type with Cabnet type and get some great combinations. There are no Peavey settings, but the Blackface Twins are killer. Line6's web site also offers some patches for downloading (non for steel) that emulate Vince, Albert and those guys. With some minor tweeking you can convert them to nice steel tones.

Posted: 20 Apr 2001 6:20 pm
by bob drawbaugh
I got an Email back fron Line6. Tey told me to try the base pod for steelguitar. They said it had full range amp models that would work better with steel. Any one try it.