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Author Topic:  Need Advice For Session 400 L.T.D
Mike Bauman


Post  Posted 10 Apr 2001 4:59 pm    
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I just bought a 1995 Session 400 L.T.D . It has no mod. kit . It has a 1501 4- ohm Black Widow speaker. I researched the archives but didn't find what I was after. I was wondering what's the best way to hookup my pedal and delay. I'am confused by the different patch points and am use to my old 76 L.T.D. Also I was wondering what is the best way to go about adjusting for tone I don't really know where to start with mid. pressence, shift, and sensitivity. Do you adjust bass and treble first? Thanks for any help you can offer. Mike
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 11 Apr 2001 5:56 am    
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The suggested patching procedure is as follows for your volume pedal. There is a PRE EQ PATCH point that should be used for your volume pedal. This particular point in the circuit is after the first gain stage and before the equalization controls. The PRE GAIN control determines how much of your instrument signal is routed to the rest of the circuitry.

So, connect the output of your steel guitar directly to the HIGH or LOW GAIN input of the amp. Then, using two additional shielded instrument cables, connect one from the PRE EQ PATCH SEND on the amp to the input of your volume pedal. Using the third shielded cable, connect from the output of your volume pedal to the PRE EQ PATCH RETURN jack. By using this insert point to patch your volume pedal, no equalization will change when you move your volume pedal pot and you will obtain full output from your steel pickup without signal degradation caused by some volume pedals.

The "post" equalization EFFECTS PATCHES 1 AND 2 are insert points "after" the equalization controls. What this means is that when you patch in your favorite effects unit(using two shielded cables and using the same 'input and output' patching precedure as mentioned previously using your volume pedal), this will allow the tone of your effects signal to change as you rotate the LOW, MID, SHIFT, HIGH AND PRESENCE controls.

You may download the operating guide to this amplifier off of the Peavey website at There are suggested settings for C6th and E9th tunings. I suggest that you adjust the controls until it sounds good to "you".

If you have other questions, please feel free to contact me here at the factory toll free. My number is 1-877-732-8391.

Mike Brown
Peavey Electronics Corporation
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