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Help! My Amp is sick....

Posted: 9 Apr 2001 7:11 pm
by Dave Long
My Peavey Sessions 400 amp sounds like it is breaking up...sorta like the tremelo is on, but it's a tube is going, 'cept it aint got it's battery is low. 'cept it aint got one. Know what I mean? Anyone out there with any tips?

Posted: 9 Apr 2001 7:54 pm
by gary darr
I'm not sure about the session 400's but if it has phase shifter or the string effect make sure they are all the way off. I know every now and then one of them gets accidently turned on my session 500 and throws me for a small loop, hope this helps

sho-bud,session 500,american standard strat,shecter tele,peavy classic 50

Posted: 9 Apr 2001 8:19 pm
by Dave Zirbel
I have an old Vegas 400 that was breaking up on me. The volume would shift with the attack of certain notes and volume swells. I finally figured out that the pots were dirty and bought some electrical contact cleaner called Deoxit D-5. It fixed my problem.


Posted: 10 Apr 2001 2:14 am
by Jack Stoner
Check to make sure it's not something external to the amp. Many times a bad cord or bad volume pedal pot can cause the same symptom.

Run each knob through it's full rotation while the amp is on and see if you get any noise. If it's a dirty (or bad) pot you should get some static or noise as you move the pot. Also check the speaker jack and cable.

Posted: 10 Apr 2001 1:14 pm
by Mike Brown
Be sure to take a shielded cable and connect the loop between the PRE AMP OUT and the POWER AMP IN. Then, connect a second cable shielded cable between the send and return jacks in EFFECTS PATCH 1, then EFFECTS PATCH 2. Also, connect another cable between the PRE EQ PATCH send and return jacks. If any of the above "loops" are not working properly, this will complete the loop. Also, check the LOW GAIN input.

Please feel free to contact me toll free at 1-877-732-8391 to discuss. I will be glad to help in the solution.

Mike Brown
Peavey Electronics Corporation

Posted: 10 Apr 2001 5:35 pm
by Dave Long
Thanks for the inputs. I went through the verious things mentioned (it does not have the patchs). Hosed it down with the Deoxit D-5, but alas, it still sounds pretty ill. Should it go back to Peavey? Or to a local dealer?

Posted: 11 Apr 2001 2:50 am
by Jack Stoner
I'd send it to Peavey. You know it will be right when you get it back and their service charges are not outrageous. Turnaround time seems to be better than many shops.

Posted: 11 Apr 2001 4:44 am
by Gene Jones
*<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Gene Jones on 06 May 2002 at 09:41 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 11 Apr 2001 5:02 am
by Mike Brown
If you'd like to send your chassis to the Peavey factory, prepay it and pack it to UPS or FEDEX specifications so that it will be covered by insurance should it become damaged enroute to us. Include a note of symptoms and a daytime phone number of where you can be reached. Also, inform us of the method of payment, ie; COD or credit card. If you will let me know what the tracking number is, I'll try to meet it at our receiving dock.

If you wish to discuss this with me, feel free to contact me toll free at 1-877-732-8391. Maybe we can figure out a solution.

Thanks for choosing and using Peavey.