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Author Topic:  LTD - Series 400S - Temporary Power Loss
Chas Holman

10 miles outa Lone Star, TX - USA
Post  Posted 4 Mar 2001 2:30 pm    
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My old '77 model LTD (the 'little' one - same size as the NV-40) has a new problem. When I first power it on, I have about 70% of the amp's power and a little 'scratchy' sound (kind of like the speaker is croaking). This 'scratchy' thing is more noticeable playing mid-range, two string, tight harmony notes. This goes on for about 30 to 45 minutes, then suddenly, the amp 'jumps' to it's full power capabilities and the 'scratchy' sound disappears. I am then able to play a solid 4 hour gig without a hitch.

I have the amp "retired" due to this situation and have been forced to use my Nashville 400 for gigs. This amp was 'overhauled' by Peavey in the early fall, and the guys there did a GREAT job on her but I'm trying to avoid sending it back to Mississippi for this 'new' developement.

BTW - disconnected the reverb pan to see if that was causing it; has NO effect.

Any ideas..??

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Bill Crook


Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Post  Posted 4 Mar 2001 3:54 pm    
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Sounds like you may have a loose wire or conponnet somewhere, as the set warms up a bit, it makes better contact and acts correctly. I think any good electronics tech should be able to find and fix the problem for you.
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Blake Hawkins

Post  Posted 5 Mar 2001 1:46 am    
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Chas, Your problem may be one of the electrolytic caps in a pre amp stage.
They do that...become noisy, then get ok, then go bad again.
The problem usually happens on power up. With voltage on the cap it will "reform" and heal itself. But after it is turned off for a while the defective cap will revert to the bad condition.
Over a period of time the problem will get worse.
I've repaired several stereo amps from the '60s and '70's that have had this problem.
Your tech can trace the problem while it is producing the noise and locate the defective cap.
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Ricky Littleton

Steely-Eyed Missile Man from Cocoa Beach, Florida USA
Post  Posted 5 Mar 2001 6:33 am    
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Give me a call at 1-866-379-0000 and let's talk about your amp. Be more than glad to help.


Emmons LeGrande - 8x4
Session 400 Ltd
Alesis Microverb
Dan-Echo, E-Bow

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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 6 Mar 2001 9:50 am    
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Chas, please give me a call at the factory. I can be reached toll free at 1-877-732-8391. We'll be glad to assist if we missed something here at the factory. However, electronic components can fail due to age. Let's discuss. thx.
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Chas Holman

10 miles outa Lone Star, TX - USA
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2001 8:26 am    
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Thanks, Guys - for all the input. I have taken the amp to Ricky Littleton as he is only 60 miles away. I'm sure it's just some failing (or loose) component that should be easy to repair or replace.

Mike Brown - rest assured that your techs at Peavey did a marvelous job on the amp. It's been hauled, on average, 200 miles each week since the factory servicing. I'm sure that the hauling, coupled with some intense gigging, have not helped the situation.

"ol' eL TeDe" (as the amp is lovingly referred to) will be back - HAS to be back, as I STILL cannot get used to the difference in it and the Nashville-400 I use as backup. (more on that in my next post)

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