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Tube amps for PSG?

Posted: 10 Aug 2000 8:24 pm
by Steve Dunwold
Why is it that all the popular PSG amps are solid state? Are there any good tube amps for steel?

Posted: 10 Aug 2000 8:40 pm
by David Biagini
Fender Twin Reverb or Dual Showman Reverb. Just plug in a Sho Bud and let 'er rip!

Posted: 11 Aug 2000 3:18 am
by Jack Stoner
Steve, do a seach here on the forum. In the last month or two there have been quite a few threads on tube amps. You'll probably find what you want to know.

Actually, the Electronics Forum has looked like "tube amp heaven" lately.

Posted: 11 Aug 2000 5:16 am
by Robert Parent
I have a couple of Music Man amps which work great.

Posted: 11 Aug 2000 8:35 am
by Roger Rettig
Hear, Hear, Robert!
I've got a couple of Peaveys but, if I play guitar as well as PSG on a job, I take my Musicman combo with it's 15" speaker - it's lovely for both instruments...

Posted: 12 Aug 2000 10:10 am
by Donny Hinson
I used a BF Twin Reverb for years...great amp. Then I switched to a Super Twin Reverb. I honestly think no other combo amp on the face of the planet can do what it does. Unbelievable power, unbelievable bass, unbelievable highs, unbelievable tone...period! It's rated at 160 watts R.M.S, and that's CLEAN power. It sounds as powerful as 400 watt solid-state amps.

But, the amp has two drawbacks. For one thing, it's HEAVY...around a hundred pounds with stock speakers. For another thing, the reverb works in front of the 5-band equalizer, so some tone settings leave you with almost no reverb. If you can live with these problems, you'll find an amp that kicks some serious asterior!

Posted: 12 Aug 2000 3:44 pm
by CrowBear Schmitt
i use 2 Twins ( 1 blue face + 1 the Twin )
w: JBL 12" speakers.
i believe Musik Man are good amps.
how about Ampegs ?

Steel carryin' on .... Image

Posted: 12 Aug 2000 5:01 pm
by ToneJunkie
I'm using a total tube path - Mesa Boogie Triaxis preamp driving a Mesa Boogie SimulClass 2/90 power amp. The steel sounds stunning through it. I use it for fretted 6 string electric also.


Robert Hicks - Fessenden S12U
Home Page:

Posted: 13 Aug 2000 5:56 pm
by Jay Ganz
I had an old AMPEG Gemini II in for repair
awhile back. When I got done I checked it
out with the steel. Those 7591A's sounded
pretty darn good. It had an old Jensen
C15N & the cabinet was a bit oversized, so
the low end was good even at low volume.
Most AMPEG's are relatively cheap as well.
Only thing is the 7591A tubes ain't. 7868's
can be used as a sub with some slight rewiring mod's though. They're a bit cheaper. Or if you swap output transformers
you can always use 6V6's too.

<img src=>
<font face=loosiescript color=blue size=6><b>Got That Steelin' Feelin'

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jay Ganz on 13 August 2000 at 06:57 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 13 Aug 2000 10:16 pm
by CrowBear Schmitt
Of course ! i forgot Mesa Boogie
probably the best amps goin', if U can afford them !
i also forgot to mention that 15" speakers
handle the Deep sound better than 12".$
especially w: C6 neck
Civilisation, Ho ! Image

Posted: 14 Aug 2000 12:53 pm
by Jeff Peterson
Try the VMP-2 all tube pre-amp from Peavey. You can use any amp and you'll be sweet as grandma's pecan pie.

Posted: 14 Aug 2000 1:01 pm
i used a vibrOsonic ( i own two custom shop vibrosonic's and one older one, the new ones actually sound better) for a while on stage, and the sound is fine, i just like hauling around that single rack profex and 750, about half the weight and almost the same sound, but not as warm.

Those that make music, pray twice.