Once again, the man hits the mark, this time making me think of the club/bar scene of today, compared with gigs I had in the mid-70s and early-80s.
Ancient history, I admit, and I'm not part of it today. I still like the idea, but reading the posts of today on egocentric, micro-managing (select as you please: singers, players of whatever instrument, soundmen, wives, girlfriends, band managers, bar/club owners; age/repertoire/wardrobe issues; etc.(so much of which didn't even exist back then), the thought of turning down work seems an easily scratched itch.
When I think of my asking all the qualifying guestions--suggested by the posts--of anyone who might call me about a job, likely to find that the pay is probably on par with what I made way back then, who needs it!? [This message was edited by James Cann on 20 October 2006 at 07:19 PM.]