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Got any resophonic rattle diagnostic tips?

Posted: 1 Feb 2001 5:25 pm
by Andy Volk
I've got a Regal resophonic with a Paul Beard set up (Quarterman cone, bone nut, etc.)I hadn't played it for a while, took it out of the case today and heard significant buzz/rattle from the cone or spider. Once in the past, I took off the coverplate, checked the cone and tightened the adjustment screw to solve this problem. I didn't really have a clue what I was doing but eventually solved the problem. I'm wondering if anyone can offer a checklist of what to look for and in what order to troubleshoot cone rattle. I'd like to avoid taking off the coverplate if I don't have to. I've heard that putting rubber cement around the rim of the cone can stop buzz but deaden the sound.
Can anyone help? Thanks!

Posted: 1 Feb 2001 7:27 pm
by Larry Behm
If Paul did the set up you are in good hands.
Take a screwdriver and tighten the center screw through the hole on top of the cover. Just enough to take out some rattle.

Take a screwdriver and slightly rotate the spider to reset all of the feet resting on the cone.

Put a thin piece of rubber unter the tail piece where the string attach.

Drop it in the gravel and put a big ding in the side of it. It will set the spider and cone and will only cost about $100 to fix the dent. (It worked for me).

Larry Behm

Posted: 2 Feb 2001 6:03 am
by Howard Parker
Let me suggest a a few things in relative order.

1. Strings (you'd be shocked)
2. Contact between tailpeice and coverplate. A leather strip will solve that.
3. Cracked or worn saddle inserts.
4. Loose tension screw.
5. Cracked or worn nut.

This list will get you about 95% there :-)


Howard Parker

Posted: 2 Feb 2001 6:14 am
by Andy Volk
Thanks, Guys, this is very helpful.

Posted: 2 Feb 2001 8:19 am
by Mike D
"bumping" the spider a tiny bit one way or the other works well, but use a old toothbrush handle or wooden spoon end, not a screwdriver or anything that will mark the coverplate or possible punch a hole in the cone.

Posted: 5 Feb 2001 12:28 am
by gerry szostak
Sometimes guitars have rattles in them if they have not been played recently. I would play the guitar for about a half hour or so before trying to get rid of the buzz. Exposure to cold temperatures makes this problem alot worse. Trying to get rid of the problem too soon creates a trouble shooting contest that is hard to win.
