Looking for "Terri Lynn Gerich", "Great Singer and Songwriter", originally from the Mansfield, Ohio area. She performed in the "DFW" area in Texas, and the Ohio areas in the Late 1970's and early 1980's. If anyone knows how we may "Contatct" her, Please use the "e-amil" attached to this "Post", or have her call @ (800) 841-5774....Thanks for your assistance with this "Request"....*****Name Not Spelled Correctly*****
[This message was edited by TS MCDONALD on 23 August 2005 at 07:46 PM.]
[This message was edited by TS MCDONALD on 28 August 2005 at 04:10 PM.]
[This message was edited by TS MCDONALD on 28 August 2005 at 04:11 PM.]