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Walter Stettner

Vienna, Austria
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2005 1:11 am    
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OK, I know there is no Steel Guitar involved in this - but I'd like to invite you, if you have a chance, listen to the Vienna Philharmonic New Years Concert which is broadcasted in over 50 countries. This is a traditional (and swinging) way to start the new year, with melodies by the "Waltz King" Johann Strauss Jr. and other famous Viennese composers of the era (2nd half of the 19th century). They were the ballroom kings in Vienna society back then, their waltzes and polkas were on top of every "hit list" of these days.

Just as a note: I live about a mile from the concert hall but I have never seen the concert live - tickets are usually sold out 8-10 years in advance!

Happy New Year to all of you, your families and friends, lots of health and success and...

Keep On Pickin'

Kind Regards, Walter

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Ken Lang

Simi Valley, Ca
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2005 4:40 pm    
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Gentlemen and ladies in their finest dress.
The best musicians. The best composers.
What a time it must be.

No blue jeans or baseball caps. No rapsters around. What a way to start the new year.
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Chris Bauer


Nashville, TN USA
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2005 5:13 pm    
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I only got to hear part of it but it was magnificent. Even in spite of my Austrian roots, I'm not much of a Strauss fan but the sound was just so great that even the 'Straussier' pieces were still moving to me.

I had a similar experience at the opera in Vienna. Though to my father's horror I have not inherited his passion for opera, I would gladly go night afer night to hear/see it in Vienna. To hear many of the world's greatest classical players and opera singers together in a hall with world-class accoustics and staging is an experience I'd recommend to anyone, regardless of your musical tastes. (And, even if you could see this elsewhere, where else could you do so for 2.50 euros for standing room with great sightlines? An incredible experience no matter how much you'd rather spend the rest of your entertainment cash on honkytonks.
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