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Rick McDuffie


Benson, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 27 Dec 2004 8:25 pm    
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Hi Roger,

Since I'd never seen "The Rutles," my sweet daughter Sarah gave it to me for Christmas. You mentioned that there's a still photo of you and Neil Innes in the movie. Where should I look for it?

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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 28 Dec 2004 5:55 am    
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Hi, Rick

I can't recall exactly where it is, but there's a sequence (maybe mid-way through the movie) where the band are starting to fall apart, and the narrator mentions a couple of spin-off bands (or something like that - it's been years since I saw it); simultaneously, a couple of still photographs are shown, the first of which is our band.

It's only for a moment - you may have to press 'still frame' - but we're dressed in plaid band-jackets and standing around a scruffy van.

That band in the photo is actually 'Neil Innes & Fatso'. Neil is playing the Lennon-clone in the film, and the drummer, John Halsey, is playing the 'Ringo-type' (or 'Barry Wom'). I might have made it into the actual film as a 'Rutle' if there had been the slightest resemblance between a Beatle/Rutle and me - a 280-lb steel-player!

I can be heard on guitar on a couple of the songs, but I've long since forgotten which. We had been doing some of Neil's Beatle-type compositions on our gigs, and I always thought they were rather clever.

When you locate the 'still', I'm the large gentleman with the beard and spectacles.....

I hope you enjoy it - the attention to detail ('correct' guitars, etc) is remarkable.


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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 29 Dec 2004 9:48 pm    
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Did you find it yet, Rick? Blink - and you'll miss me...

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Rick McDuffie


Benson, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 31 Dec 2004 5:01 pm    
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Didn't see it on the first pass, Roger (before I posted above)... I'm gonna watch it again when I get a chance.

I'll let you know when I spy you there!


[This message was edited by Rick McDuffie on 31 December 2004 at 05:02 PM.]

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Rick McDuffie


Benson, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 31 Dec 2004 8:26 pm    
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Yep, I found it- this is a video capture from the DVD.

On the DVD commentary, Eric Idle says, "This is Neil's band" when that frame passes.

I don't feel too badly about how I've aged when I see the difference in Eric then... and now. It must've been done in '77, because Eric mentions that they were filming it when Elvis died.

Quite enjoyable!

[This message was edited by Rick McDuffie on 31 December 2004 at 08:28 PM.]

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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 31 Dec 2004 10:56 pm    
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One thing's for sure - regardless of how else I've 'matured' in those 27 years, I'm pretty certain I couldn't crouch like that with my knees bent nowadays....

You amaze me, Rick! I can't even post a picture on the Forum, and you can steal a shot from a DVD and put it on display!


PS: The BBC fitted everyone in the band with those plaid jackets out of their Wardrobe Dept. stock - mine had to be made .....
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Rick McDuffie


Benson, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2005 8:18 am    
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I'm no computer whiz, Roger. I was watching the DVD again (w/ the director's commentary turned "on") on my computer, since our youngest daughter had a bunch of friends over for New Years' Eve and we were banned from the den... I saw a little button on the console that I hadn't noticed before- I clicked it and it said "capture?" and I clicked "yes"... so I learned something new last night. Then when your photo popped up I knew just what to do... captured it, uploaded it to my website, linked to it from the Forum. Bite-size pieces- that's the key to accomplishing a thing!

Anyway, thanks for the compliment.

It was interesting, while watching the movie, to notice how the band appeared to actually know how to play their instruments- then I recalled that you said that the drummer also played with you guys... I could tell he was a real drummer, and not just pantomiming. Eric Idle's left-handed bass playing left a lot to be desired, but the other guys looked very convincing.

I marveled at the rooftop concert scene... it looked almost exactly like the "Let It Be" setup... I love the part where Neil (John) kicks the "Rutle roadie" off the roof!
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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2005 8:41 am    
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I agree, Rick!

Of course, George was around most of the time, and had a guitarist's 'eye' on the proceedings, hence the accuracy. Neil is an accomplished guitarist and pianist, John Halsey was, as I said, also our drummer (you can see him at the rear of the picture), and the 'George'-figure (Ricky Fataar) was once in the Beach Boys!

(In the 'Walrus' scene, the Stratocaster is painted to look like George's guitar in 'Magical Mystery Tour'....)

They should have restricted Eric Idle to 'long shots' when he was 'playing'! It did look a little suspect, as you say.

I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing - I was never much of a Beatles fan, but I always liked their irreverence! The film captured something of the feel of those times.

Thanks for your interest.

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