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Author Topic:  Another RAVEN guitar auction on E-bay
Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 7 Nov 2004 12:44 am    
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People,this is to let you know that another auction of RAVEN guitars on E-bay began tonight. Raven guitars were made in Korea, and were some of the very best of the Asian imports. Unfortunately, the firm's owner died about 3 years ago and the company went out of business. Now there is a court ordered estat auction of the man's asetts, which among other things, included some 40 or 50 guitars that were unsold at the time of the man's death, and have been sitting in a warehouse ever since.

These are really good guitars. Not good guitars for the price, good guitars period. If these guitars were made in America they would sell for thousands of dollars.

The company kept the cost down by selling directly to it's customers over the internet, bypassing the entire retail system altogether. Thus, when they were originally available you could by one for $4-500, depending on what model.

Even at those prices, these guitars were a great bargain. Now with this auction, the guitars are selling for even less.

I have 4 of them. A Les Paul style, 2 thin hollow body strat shaped guitars, and a full size hollow body arch top, (note: the company wanted to appeal to both rockabilly and jazz guitarists, so they offered this model with an optional Bigsby tailpiece, which apparently all the unsold ones have. Mine does not.) I have over 2 dozen guitars and these are among my favorites. I actually like them more than some of my more valuable vintage American guitars.

If any of you are interested in picking up a very good guitar at a bargain price, I urge you to go to E-bay and check these guitars out. You won't regret it.

Here is the url.

[url] columnlayoutZ1QQsofocusZbsQQsorecordsperpageZ50QQsosortorderZ2QQsosortpropertyZ2QQsotrZ2 [/url]

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