Janice Brooks
From: Pleasant Gap Pa
Posted 28 Oct 2004 2:17 pm
CelebrityAccess MediaWire) -- A major restructuring has occurred
within Clear Channel Entertainment, a move that has been in the
rumor mill for several weeks, and that will result in the
elimination of almost 100 jobs.
In an internal company memo, CCE Global Music President Michael
Rapino said that for several weeks CCE had been repositioning
various elements of its business and personnel and talked about the
need to change its current business model to meet the demands of a
changing landscape.
As a result, CCE will be divided into 11 regional markets and
resurrect the original names of the companies it acquired during the
1990's. They are:
**Avalon Attractions in Southern California - President: Brian
Murphy; Markets: Los Angeles, San Diego;
**Bill Graham Presents in San Francisco - President: Lee Smith;
Markets: San Francisco, Sacramento, Seattle, Denver;
**Electric Factory Concerts in Philadelphia â€" President: Larry
Magid; Market: Philadelphia;
**Delsener Presents in New York â€" President: Jim Glancy; Markets:
NYC, Buffalo, Hartford;
**Evening Star Productions in Phoenix â€" President: Danny Zelisko;
Markets: Phoenix, Albuquerque, Las Vegas;
**Pace Concerts in Houston â€" President: Bob Roux; Markets:
Houston, San Antonio, Birmingham, Nashville;
**Cellar Door Concerts in Columbia, S.C.- President: Wilson Howard;
Markets: Florida, Atlanta, Carolinas;
**Cellar Door North in Detroit â€" President: Rick Franks; Markets:
Detroit, Indianapolis, Washington, Baltimore, Virginia Beach;
**Tea Party in Boston â€" President: Don Law; Market: Boston;
**Belkin Productions in Cleveland â€" President: Michael Belkin;
Markets: Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Wheeling, WV;
**Chicago CCE - President: Mark Campana; Markets: Chicago,
Milwaukee, St Louis, Kansas City, Minneapolis.
All regional presidents will report to Charlie Walker, promoted to
COO and based in Los Angeles.
CCE's venue management division will also be divided into 11
operating units, headed by Patrick Leahy, newly promoted to COO.
Among those no longer with the company are Rich Engler,
president/CEO, CCE Pittsburgh; Charlie Mierswa, CFO; Jean Gonsoulin,
vice president of corporate communications; Jim Lewi, festival
producer; Angie Diehl, vice president of artist relations; Sarah
Weiss, talent buyer, CCE-DC market, who relocated from CCE-NY in
June; talent buyer Marshall Lowe --South Carolina; and midwest
talent buyers Cameron Smith and Steve Gerardi. -- Jane Cohen and Bob
Janice "Busgal" Brooks
ICQ 44729047