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Author Topic:  Kentucky Colonels wire recording restored.

Post  Posted 17 Jun 2003 3:05 pm    
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A friend brought his Dad by last night so we could make a CD out of an OLD recording his Dad did of the Army band he was in during WWII. They were formed with scrounged instruments after VE day to put something together to keep troups happy. They recorded it on a wire recorder in a studio in Monte Carlo in 1945!! "Torpedo Junction" and another tune. Boy that was fun to hear. Fun to help them preserve that old 78rpm. Only a few copies exist I guess. It was a hot band. They won a battle of the bands contest and won two weeks in Monte Carlo and a recording session.

Great stories. They basically played every day and night somewhere to keep the troups moral up as they were waiting to be shipped home on victory ships. When they finally came back I guess the ship broke down in the middle of the Atlantic for 3 days. So the officers let them break out instruments one more time and they basically jammed for 3 days till the ship was repaired.

The band was the Kentucky Colonels.

Chris Kennison
Ft. Collins, Colorado
"There is no spoon"

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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2003 11:14 pm    
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How was the restoration done?
And I don't understand the format.
Was it a wire rcording transfered to a 78 record? Sounds like a cool recording one way or another.

[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 18 June 2003 at 12:15 AM.]

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Alvin Blaine

Picture Rocks, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2003 11:55 pm    
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So I guess your not talking about the "Kentucky Colonels" bluegrass band from the '60's with Roland and Clarence White.

[This message was edited by Alvin Blaine on 18 June 2003 at 12:57 AM.]

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Post  Posted 18 Jun 2003 1:08 pm    
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no - not the bluegrass band.
Just a story about music, and preserving sounds from a forgotten band from WWII. But the music is a powerful memory.
Yes the wire recording was mastered to a 78. (not sure how that process worked in the 40's). This copy was played on a turntable, recorded to .wav via my DA-30 Tascam DAT A/D, and out S/PDIF to my Frontier Designs Dakota audio card. The .wav will be massaged with 'declickers' etc. in SONAR. Simple format conversion and minor restoration.

Chris Kennison
Ft. Collins, Colorado
"There is no spoon"

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