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Feet for Stringmaster

Posted: 11 Sep 2000 8:35 pm
by Marc Weller

I'm new here so hello to everyone. I just destroyed one of the black rubber feet on my Stringmaster. Can anyone advise me where to find a replacement ?



Posted: 11 Sep 2000 9:58 pm
by Rich Harrington
Ola Marc -

Generic replacement rubber feet are a common hardware store item. Why I myself replaced the danged up black rubber feet on my 54 Stringmaster with some shiny new white ones the local mega emporium for about three bucks.

Bring along one of the old ones when you go - trying to match 'em up sight unseen is a little tricky.

Good luck


<<< '28 national '55 Stringmaster >>>

Posted: 11 Sep 2000 10:01 pm
by Jim Landers
You can get the replacement cups at just about any of the big hardware chain stores like Home Depot.

They come in different sizes, so measure the diameter of the leg and order accordingly. Hope this helps.


Posted: 12 Sep 2000 5:04 am
by Jim Smith
A trick for you while you're at the hardware store: Find four metal washers with an outside diameter to fit snugly inside the rubber tips. With those installed in the tips, the legs won't bore their way through and your rubber tips will last almost forever! Image

Jim Smith
-=Dekley D-12 10&12=-

Posted: 13 Sep 2000 8:16 am
by Dr. Ike
Great timing on this post, Marc. I played last night over at Waikiki and was packing up and noticed one of those little rubber feet missing,I was bummed out until you guys let me know about the hardware store availability. Mahalo nui. Doc.

Posted: 13 Sep 2000 4:21 pm
by HowardR
You can also purchase them from George'L
Musical Products.


Posted: 13 Sep 2000 5:02 pm
by Marc Weller

Thanks for your replies. Howard, would you have a URL or phone number for George's Music Products ??


Posted: 14 Sep 2000 9:02 pm
by HowardR
The phone # is (615) 868 - 6976.
