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Thank everyone for the nice comments about me.

Posted: 24 Apr 2002 7:43 am
by Tom Brumley
I saw all the nice comments everyone wrote about me a while back and it's taken this long for me to become a member so I could reply. I'm not a wiz on the computer, but I'm learning! I was honored and flattered by all the nice words you had to say about me. Some of you I knew and some I didn't and I want to thank you very much. That makes all the hard work worth it. Thanks again,and love you all. Tom

Posted: 24 Apr 2002 8:18 am
by Jim Smith
Welcome aboard Tom! Image The steel guitar world wouldn't have been the same without you and your contributions to this wild and wacky instrument! Image

Posted: 24 Apr 2002 8:20 am
by Chris Forbes
It is I who should be thanking you Mr. Brumley. You were very instrumental (forgive the pun!!) in getting me to play the steel. I really enjoy listening to your playing on those Buck Owens albums. While I'm not too familiar with your other work I'm sure it is just as tasteful and toneful. Thanks!!<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Chris Forbes on 24 April 2002 at 09:40 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 24 Apr 2002 8:21 am
by Brandin
THANK YOU for all the great steel guitar!

Posted: 24 Apr 2002 9:01 am
by Leroy Riggs
The only reason I am playing steel today is because of your work on "Together Again". From that Buck Owens' record on, I always wanted to play steel. (I sorta made it.)


Posted: 24 Apr 2002 11:13 am
by Joseph V. Sapp
Hello Mr. Brumley:
I as well became adicted to the "Brumley Sound" in "Together Again". I first saw you in person in the late 60's With Buck Owens, at Carowinds Park, Near Charlotte N.C. remember? I was the one sitting, three rows back, and waved to you. From that point on, put away my Strat, and Bought my first Steel.
from that point on,,I've been pushing pedals but still cant even come close to what I heard that day. I just attended a local Steel event which included LT Zinn, Hal Rugg, Tommy White, Herby Wallace, Buddy Charleton, and some other fine players. If "Tom Brumley" would have been there, that would have been iceing on the cake !!! I as well thank you for getting my eyes open to a sound that seems to haunt each and every one of us. God Bless and welcome aboard.

Derby SD-10-4X5,,,Nashville 400
Fender twin,,Profex ll,,,Lexicon MPX 100

Posted: 24 Apr 2002 1:40 pm
by Evelyn Whitney
Leonard T. Zinn and Evelyn Whitney could never say enough nice things about you, Tom.
You are a SUPER human being and a most excellent musician. We send our love.

Posted: 24 Apr 2002 11:08 pm
by Martin Weenick
Welcome aboard Tom, from a dedicated fan.


Martin W. Emmons LG III 3/5 Peavy 1000

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 2:56 am
by Tony Davis
Yep Tom !
I agree with all of the above.....I dont think I know a single steel player who hasnt been infuenced by you on those Buck Owens records....I know I learned to play by listening to those.....Oh Yeh!..and I can play Pedal Patter too....but no where in your league.........Thanks Tom

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 3:48 pm
by Bill Ferguson
Welcome to the forum Tom!

Charles Hutson says howdy too!!

Bill Ferguson


Stop worrying about what makes a steel work and concentrate on how YOU make it sound"

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 6:25 pm
by Jason Stillwell
Hey, Tom! Welcome!! You may not recognize my name, but I was probably your youngest (full-grown, at least) fan at Tulsa a couple of years running. If any of y'all haven't heard any of Tom's work with Rick Nelson's Stone Canyon Band, check out the live album from the late 60s. (Lindy, what's the name of it?) You'll definitely see new light shed on "Hello, Mary Lou" and "Believe What You Say", along with "She Belongs to Me" and "Violets of Dawn". Tom, thanks for stepping down to our level and joining up!

Posted: 26 Apr 2002 12:15 am
by Jimmy Youngblood

Thanks for putting a knee lever on my first pedal steel!

Fender 400. Wish I still had it!

It was done at the ZB factory Bakersfield ... late '60s.

Right about the time you left Buck and went to work with Rick Nelson & The Stone Canyon Band.

Whew ... been a couple years ago!

Best wishes 'ol bud.

<a href=""> Image

Posted: 26 Apr 2002 11:13 am
by Steve Buchanan
Welcome Mr. Brumley,
This is my first day on the Forum, and finding your message here was a treat for me.

Posted: 26 Apr 2002 6:10 pm
by pdl20
Tom.i will never forget the honor of meeting you and sitting down at your guitar at the late Zane Becks house.this was back in the early eightys. take care Rudy Osborne

Posted: 4 May 2002 5:53 am
by Ken Mullett
Hi Tom,Thanks for all the great music over the years.I to became a big fan of yours because of all the Buck Owens recordings, especially Together Again.For all the Tom Brumley fans, you need to check out the CD, Aase and Wolf Play Buck Owens featuring Tom on steel.Lots and lots of steel on this album and the vocals are excellent. One of my favorites. Tom, hope to see you in St. Louis. Ken

Posted: 4 May 2002 10:21 am
by Al Udeen
Whenever in Branson, make the Brumley show #1 on your list! Hi Tom & welcome to a great forum! au