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Earl Foote

Houston, Tx, USA
Post  Posted 10 Jan 2002 10:17 am    
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After reading the "I Think Most Will Agree" post, I came up with a question.

There were a lot of forum members that were against Napster because they were handing out free music, not reimbursing artists, etc. I've heard no such negative comments about

My question is: How are the two services different in their end result?

(I don't have anything against, I like the service. I just thought that it's funny that no one has brought up the "free music/artist reimbursement issue)

What do you think?

Houston, Tx
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Lem Smith


Long Beach, MS
Post  Posted 10 Jan 2002 10:55 am    
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Earl, I'm going to toss in a guess here and say that the big difference is that on live365 what you're hearing is generally lower quality audio because it has to stream, and it can't be downloaded. I've heard it compared to AM radio.

On the other hand, with Napster and it's clones one can download songs that are pretty much CD quality and burn them to CD's, in some cases a person can down complete CD's by a particular artist.

So, I would think the quality of the music and the fact that you can download would be the two main reasons.

Just MHO,
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Dave Burr


League City, TX
Post  Posted 10 Jan 2002 12:19 pm    
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I guess my question would be, how is any different than a normal radio broadcaster? Also, look over the "legal info" link at the bottom of the home page of It looks like they've covered themselves pretty good.

Dave Burr
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Earl Foote

Houston, Tx, USA
Post  Posted 10 Jan 2002 12:57 pm    
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Your right Dave Burr. I went to the legal info link. They liscense the music the same as clubs, radio stations, etc. Question answered.

Houston, Tx
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