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Michael Garnett


Seattle, WA
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2001 2:45 am    
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Just caught the last of the Garth Brooks concert tonight, simply because the girl I'm seeing thinks he's "good". I quit listening to him after "No Fences." Then the whole "Alter ego" thing came along, and I'm not even going to start on that.

Nevertheless, I'll get back to the point. Garth's out playing in the rain. He said something that really pissed me off. He hollers out into the crowd at the very end, "I can't believe you people came out here! Thank you so much for coming to support ME!" How selfish is that? How much support does he need? When did country stars quit playing for their FANS? "Thank you for throwing away daddy's money to squeal like a little girl!" He might as well have said. Also, I only caught a few glimpses of the band itself, but I never saw a Steel player. Did he even have one onstage? Just a few thoughts.



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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2001 6:37 am    
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Gee I am glad I missed "so proud to be here". For a guy who isn't touring he certainly is trying to rope a dope his new CD. Old Pill$bury doughboy knows how to get Country back on it's feet don't he? He don't need a steel with the $hit he puts out.Just an armored truck to take home the dough.Only in America.....


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Mike Dennis


Stevens Point WI.
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2001 8:58 am    
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I'm not a Garth Brooks fan so I didn't watch the show. But a friend at work who did watch it complimented Brooks with continueing to perform a show in ice , wind and snowy conditions. Many fans had been waiting in the cold for hours. No one could have predicted such bad weather. Garth himself had thought of canceling the show, accept for all the fans that had been waiting. So the show went on in less then ideal conditions... and I think that is why Garth thanked the audience.

What I heard was that he gave a real top notch energetic show in less then ideal conditions.

Also it should be noted that Garth has a cap on ticket prices for his shows... so he has been working to keep the price of tickets affordable for all fans.

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BJ Bailey


Jackson Ms,Hinds
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2001 10:24 am    
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I will give him this much credit.He can sing a country ballard when he wants to..I am not a follower of his so I ca'nt judge that much.I'm sure there have been alot of good country materiel on his records that like alot of other performers,JUST DID NOT GET RADIO AIRPLAY.So ,I supose it all just get's losts in time.From what little I have seen,by maybe walking by the t.v. on the way to the bathroom,his stage performance is terrible.Swinging from a rope,screaming to rib up his audeiance,busted up guitars,what else I do'nt know.It would make one think he was trying to work his crowd in to a frenzy or something.I beleive it will take,Garth going back to bacic of a good country song ,if not he'll just be one of the rest of garbage thats being played on todays country radio for the children.
As it was advatise on t.v. DO'NT MISS GARTH IN CONCERT,well I did'nt miss him.I had completely forgot that he even exist untill this post Blame it all on my roots.

BJ Bailey

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Fred Murphy


Indianapolis, In. USA
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2001 11:05 am    
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I seen the last song on the show, and yes he did have a steel player, although I didn't hear much of him, and the camera was a long shot of him so you couldn't see his face. I can hardly stand to hear or watch him, to me he is so fake it makes me want to puke, but the fans went crazy about him. I guess they can't see through it and he sure makes a lot more money than I do.
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Les Green

Jefferson City, MO, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2001 11:15 pm    
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I would just as soon go down and sit on the river bank and watch the dead carp float by as go to a "Barf" concert!
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Michael Garnett


Seattle, WA
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2001 2:56 am    
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But everybody loves him so! He's such a revolutionary songwriter!

Maybe that's because Na$$$hville's telling the mob what they like and who they like it from. I don't like people to tell me what I like, do you? Did you like Mom to tell you that asparagus was tasty? Forget the fact that it makes your pi$$ green...
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David Pennybaker


Conroe, TX USA
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2001 8:46 am    
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He can sing a country ballard when he wants to..

He certainly can. Then again, I love ballads, so I guess that biases me.

I haven't been impressed with the bits and pieces of his "shows" (can't call them musical concerts, really) I've seen recently, but I've never been a big fan of running around the stage, dancing, fireworks, etc. Especially when the running so obviously affects your singing ability.

I have a feeling I'd LOVE to see Garth play if I could ever catch him at a small club, with just him and the guitar, where he does mainly his ballads. He actually did book himself into a small dive in NE New Mexico almost a decade ago (after he'd made it big) -- booked himself as "Yukon Jack". So if you ever see a bar with "Yukon Jack" as the entertainer, you can either go or avoid it, depending on your mood. But let ME know.

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Pete Burak


Portland, OR USA
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2001 12:56 pm    
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Looked like a red Sierra D10 on stage and it was pretty well up in the mix.
Jerry Jeff said "So this is what the real "Big Time" is like!".
I tuned in at the intro to Long Neck Bottle, (which has some great C6th playing on the studio version).
Steve Wariner did most of the solo doing his scat-singing/guitar-solo (the Goerge Benson thing). I thought it was good and there was a short C6th ride also.
What is Garths steelers name?

Garths theatrics aside (b0b, is there an emoticon for "gag me" Joan Rivers style?), I liked the good pickin' by the band members.
(I turned up my TV and thought it sounded pretty jammin'.)
Talk about "Rain or Shine"!

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