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Wnich Bar to use?

Posted: 26 Jun 2000 6:28 pm
by Rich Young
I've been playing around with different bars on the steel (Stringmaster D8) and I've found I like the tone of the bigger (7/8") bar but it's too long. I've been using a Dunlop 918 (3/4 x 2-7/8). I really like the length of this one. does anyone make a 7/8 x 2-7/8 (or 3") that has the indent in the end? I saw the Peirce 7/8" with the indent on the end but that is even longer (3-5/8 I believe).

Posted: 27 Jun 2000 11:36 am
by C. Brattain
We have a Red Rajah bar that is 7/8" by 3.25" but does not have a dent in the end.
Have a great day, Chuck

Posted: 27 Jun 2000 10:57 pm
by Rich Young
Yea, that size I can find fairly easily.
What I really need to know if anyone makes a 7/8 x 2-7/8 or 3.
Anyone know?

Posted: 28 Jun 2000 10:04 am
by Smiley Roberts
I kinda like the bar at Tootsie's Orchid Lounge,myself.OOPS....wrong bar. Sorry Rich.

<font face="monospace" size="3"><pre> ~ ~
©¿© ars longa,
mm vita brevis

Posted: 28 Jun 2000 3:41 pm
by Dave Novak
Dunlop makes what they call the "Jerry Byrd
Bar", I think two of them. The one you want is S. S., 7.5oz, 7/8 x 2 7/8. Try Scott's Music

Good Luck


Posted: 29 Jun 2000 7:44 pm
by Rich Young
Though the bar on the package and on Scotty's site says 7/8, it's really a 3/4. It's the model 918, which I already have. I think I found a 7/8 x 3". I'm going to get it and see if I like it better than the 3/4.

Posted: 30 Jun 2000 4:35 am
by Gerald Ross
Try the Broz-O-Phonic. It's 2 7/8 long.
Weighs 5.5 oz and the same diameter as the
Dunlop Jerry Byrd.

Posted: 5 Jul 2000 8:09 pm
by George Keoki Lake
There were about 200 Zirconian bars made, each with a serial number. These bars are fantastic ! I also use the Red Rajah which is still available and love it. Both bars glide over the strings silently and smoothly. I doubt you will find a Zirconian bar, but try to obtain a Red Rajah. Remember the old Black Rajah of the fifties ? Drop it on cement, bye bye Black Rajah ! The Red Rajah is far more durable.

Posted: 6 Jul 2000 11:25 am
by Bobby Lee
I use different bars with different guitars. The most critical thing to me is how well the nose matches the string spacing. I need to be able to do this slant easily: <font face="monospace" size="3"><pre>E ________________________
C ________5_______________
A ________5_______________
G ________/_______________
E ________4_______________
C ________________________
</pre></font>This will only work well if the nose of the bar lines up with the string spacing.

<small><img align=right src="" width=64 height=81>Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs
Sierra Session S-12 (E9), Speedy West D-10 (E9, D6),
Sierra 8 Laptop (D13), Fender Stringmaster D-8 (D13, A6)<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Bobby Lee on 06 July 2000 at 01:04 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 6 Jul 2000 5:57 pm
by Rich Young
Bobby, which bar are you using on the Stringmaster?

Posted: 7 Jul 2000 8:58 am
by Bobby Lee
I use a standard 10-string BJS bar on the Stringmaster. Sorry, I don't know its dimensions.