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Question to Mike Perlowin: How's that Guild?

Posted: 21 Mar 2001 11:31 am
by Dave Long
Hey Mike, I noticed that you have a Guild Ashbory bass...does it sound like a fretless bass? Are the strings nylon? What's it sound like? I've always seen them, but never had my paws on one....

Posted: 21 Mar 2001 11:37 am
by Martin Abend
I tried one in a store may years ago. The sound is really cool and with a little imagination it sounds like an acoustic bass. It was hard for me to play it, though. The rubber strings feels strange and it a very short instrument!

I'd like to know if the reissue sounds a great as the Guild...

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Posted: 21 Mar 2001 5:46 pm
by Mike Perlowin
Dave, the Ashbory is AWESOME. The sound is big and fat and warm and wonderful. It sounds much closer to an acoustic bass than anything else.

The DeArmond re-issues have a different pickup and slightly different sound, which IMHO is not as warm and intimate sounding. I took my Guild to a store and we AB'd it with a DeArmand. I liked the sound of the Guild better, Somebody else who was there preferred the sound of the DeArmand.

The tuning pegs on the original Guild had problems staying in tune and (on mine at least) breaking strings. The DeArmond has different tuning pegs which I'm told have solved these problems. There are some other differences, but they are so minor as to be negligable.

If you are asking whether or not you should buy one for yorself, I'd say yes you should. It's a very cool instrument.