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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2000 8:18 am    
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This should be a good sign for Country Music Idon't see too many good or bad reactions from the pro's or con's...I heard Jim Heffernan has been replaced in Paisley's band...I hope it was Hef's own choice he is one of the good guys and the man can pick...


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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2000 5:12 pm    
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Brad's a good guy, but how does he get to be a member of the Opry with only one CD out when Dr. Ralph Stanley only got inducted last year. Something just doesn't ring right with that scenario.
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Janice Brooks

Pleasant Gap Pa
Post  Posted 30 Dec 2000 10:38 am    
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As for Brad he does well in live performences
and the second album will be out shortly.

I'm hoping for the best with these 10 inductee's and i hope the voters know enough about the folks on the list.

Janice "Busgal" Brooks
ICQ 44729047
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 30 Dec 2000 11:22 am    
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Getting into the Opry has to be politics and who the artist's agent knows. Brad Paisley is hot right now and he should help the attendance.

As far as Ralph Stanley, I agree he should have been a member a long time ago. Who really knows why he wasn't.
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Steve Feldman

Central MA USA
Post  Posted 30 Dec 2000 1:19 pm    
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Just a guess, but:
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Catus Jack


Post  Posted 30 Dec 2000 2:29 pm    
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I read some place that he appeared 32 times on the Opry this year. (2000) I like his songs, to me he sounds country.

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Jason Powers


Muncie, IN
Post  Posted 30 Dec 2000 2:53 pm    
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The Opry needs people to represent it in a positive manner, and I believe Brad will do just that. The Opry also needs people who love the COUNTRY in COUNTRY MUSIC. He seems to genuinely respect the Opry's legacy, which in my opinion is sometimes sorely lacking.
Just my two cents
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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 31 Dec 2000 7:40 pm    
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Jim I have to agree with you..So many have been passed up like Gene watson,Janie Frickie,Mark Chestnut,and a few good ole Texas Boys and many many more..However Brad Paisley is a good direction for the Opry..So I'll just sit back and await my call...


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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2001 6:33 am    
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Steve: If that ain't the truth,Maybe I coulike ol JR after all.


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John Lacey


Black Diamond, Alberta, Canada
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2001 6:23 am    
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Jim Heffernan has decided to leave the Brad Paisley band for personal reasons. He's been replaced by the excellent Randle Currie.
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Jim Walker

Headland, AL
Post  Posted 6 Jan 2001 1:40 am    
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There is a lot of folks that should a been in the Opry long before they were. And I'm sure there a lot that got in a lot sooner than they probly should have. As far as Brad goes I belive he is the shot heard around the World right now. A lot of country music purist's look to him to save them from listening to the mostly Pop infested garbage that is coming out of Nashville right now. And boy howdy can He pick a guitar... What I would give to spend a couple of hours in a studio with him. He'd be G~bendin', I'd be B~bendin'. Him being at the Opry is like a shot in the arm of good medicine for Country Music....JMO.....

Jimmy The Kid

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Bob Carlson


Surprise AZ.
Post  Posted 6 Jan 2001 11:54 am    
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I was at two of our local large Record CD stores this week looking through the used CD section and was suprised at how many of the one or two CD flash in the pan singers are now history. Now...I'm going to put my head on the chopping block and say there's a good chance Brad will be another one. I feel what,s keeping him hot right now Is he has recorded some of the best written songs on radio. I think he has written/co written most of them. And as long as the good songs are there he'll be there. But If the good songs stop, and they usually do, so will Brad. For his sake I hope they don't, but that's what has happened to all the singers who's CD's are In the used CD section now.

How many of todays singers have been there three years?

Bob Carlson

Uff Da!

[This message was edited by Bob Carlson on 06 January 2001 at 11:57 AM.]

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Janice Brooks

Pleasant Gap Pa
Post  Posted 14 Jan 2001 9:51 am    
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Had this on my mind and i have come up with my HOF hopeful listWebb Pierce
Carl Smith
Don Gibson
Homer and Jethro
The Louvin Brothers
Don Law
Ken Nelson
Bill Anderson
Jean Shepard
The Stanley Brothers

Janice "Busgal" Brooks
ICQ 44729047
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Steve Feldman

Central MA USA
Post  Posted 14 Jan 2001 10:52 am    
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Hey Busgal -

Now that you mention it, are Bill & Earl Bolick - aka the Blue Sky Boys - in the HOF. If they are not, it's a CRIME!!! They taught Homer and Jethro, the Louvin Brothers, AND the Stanley Brothers a thing or two about gospel music in the 20s-50s.

Just curious...lest we forget our roots...
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Janice Brooks

Pleasant Gap Pa
Post  Posted 14 Jan 2001 2:39 pm    
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No the Blue Sky Boys are not

Janice "Busgal" Brooks
ICQ 44729047
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John Gretzinger

Canoga Park, CA
Post  Posted 15 Jan 2001 1:06 pm    
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I don't remember who turned me on to Brad's album, but I was amazed. His music and words are very much needed in Country Music today.

I saw his show when they came to the LA area last month (or was it November?) and was very impressed by Jim Heffernan, especially on Nervous Breakdown. I've heard that tune hundreds of times and had to watch to make sure Jim's fingers didn't actually leave his hands.

Wonderful show. Jim was a big part of the "fan appeal" and will be missed. I only got to talk to him for a few minutes while they were breaking down, but he was very friendly and I appreciated him taking his time to chat right after a (almost) two hour show.


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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 17 Jan 2001 2:37 pm    
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Heff is down to earth and sincere. I had the pleasure of watching him in New England and never approached him to work for me because I knew he was loyal to a departed brother..Roger (Kentucky)Simpson.. I'M sure he will catch on with another good gig.


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Hermiston, Oregon
Post  Posted 24 Jan 2001 9:05 pm    
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Bonnie Owens turned me on to Brad Pasley and I really like him now.
By the way what is happining to the Grand Old Opera? Is it going back to the Ryman for a test and is it going to be with ihe old goold ole boys on and are they going to split and leave the new stars on at the Opera Land? Sounds like a good idea to me.

Ron Frazier
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 27 Jan 2001 9:46 am    
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I agree rayman. Brad is good, he is close to the traditional sound that they direly need. But, he simply hasn't "paid his dues".
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Rich Paton


Santa Maria, CA.,
Post  Posted 29 Jan 2001 12:42 pm    
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Disclaimer: The following is my $.02 opinion. It is based on supposition, blind guesswork, and optimistic hope against hope.
Any resemblance to fact, outcome of the subject's possibilities, and/or real-world relevance is to be considered as strictly random, coincidental, naieve, ridiculous, dreamy, serendipitous, and/or fleeting.

Why might a performer who may be great, but is carrying an unsigned dues card, receive such a "go to the head of the line" treatment so early in his/her career?

In a twisted sense of "future traditionism", the Opry may be grasping at the last of its fading opportunities to ensure its very survial.
Survival hinges upon the building and maintaining of an audience of repeat viewers.
Presenting talented, exciting artists such as Brad to attract a younger and hopefully growing audience segment would seem to produce a two-fold dividend.
First, appealing performers = a healthy, growing audience = improved market standing and higher ratings = advertsing contracts = $income.
Second, a good menu featuring such acts is bound to not only help establish and build up this fresh segment of their audience base... I would expect it will inspire a number of viewers in the TV audience to follow their favorite artists and other stimulating Opry acts into Show Biz. Those who manage to survive the gruel and make the cut will (rightfully) be spoiling to play the Opry, and even to become members.
If and when (smart money says when) the current program's Pop Rock-Country material- the stuff many of us on the forum aren't all that fond of- eventually loses its appeal among viewers in its audiecce share, the Opry's going to be in deep guano.
That leaves the conditions on the other side of the fence. Us, the "real" Country Nusic loving viewers. So how will we look as a viable audience to keep it afloat? Left ignored and barely represented musically on the show, it seems that we will have been long gone by then. Lacking actions to retain or revitalize our slice of the audience pie, I see gloomy skies on the horizon due to factors that seem pretty obvious:
1). Attrition, and lack of interest in the show among older viewers who have experienced what they considered to be the "Golden Age", or what were just "better days" in Country Music.
2). Dwindling interest among viewers who are younger, but enjoy listening to the Country Music and its performers who were and are of high quality...of the sort that was expected of, and delivered by an Opry performer. With Increasingly with time, this group of listeners find themselves scraping deeper and wider to find such music.
Pumping up that younger audience segment and revitalizing the show for the enjoyment of rest of us, by way of delivering the [real] goods, will be the Opry's best, if not only survival strategy option within their tenuous grasp. They can "kill these two birds with one stone", or shoot themselves in the foot by ignoring the needs of the audience.

In light of Brad and others' early membership, and out of respect for the many grizzled Opry Master Musicians who have paid their dues many times over...
There are those whom we know deserve, but have not receved HOF status.
IMHO, an honorary Master (or "Survivor's"?) category should be created, and duly bestowed upon worthies. God knows, more than a few are literally true survivors in (& of) this business.
If nothing is done to restore "The Genuine Article" as the Opry's musical focus, and the direction in which the music and the show's content continues, you might wind up with a "Grand Old Rockpry". Of course, the juggernaut MTV Networks' syndicate would soon buy it out, and the gist of "The rest of the story" ain't rocket science.

[This message was edited by Rich Paton on 29 January 2001 at 01:36 PM.]

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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 30 Jan 2001 5:32 am    
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I guess saying he hasn't paid his dues is a valid statement,and there are more deserving people still waiting in line..However if they are going to fast forward at least they picked someone who can be classified at this time as Country...They had to pick a popular choice and right now he has been on more than any member in the last 6 months so it's fair to say he was lobbying for the job..At least the are adding and not subtracting (well with any publicity that is).


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