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Author Topic:  Jerry Byrd/Blackwood Brothers:
jerry allen


arlington, tx.u.s.
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2000 8:47 pm    
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In 1959/60 time-frame, I bought two (2) L.P. albums featuring the Blackwood Brothers singing Gospel songs, Hawaiian style. Jerry Byrd was the steel player. I still have these two albums, but have listened to them so many times, they are practically worn out. I am wondering if these albums (in mint condition) can still be obtained? They are such classics, (probably the first of there kind ever produced) that I would like to capture the sound on C.D. for future safe keeping. Also: Does anyone know of any Gospel Quartet albums available with greats such as Jerry Byrd playing Gospel steel, Hawaiian style? Note: Titles to the two records in question are: (1) Paradise Island, featuring Blackwood Brothers and recorded in 1959. (2) Beautiful Isle of Somewhere, featuring Blackwood Brothers and recorded in 1960. Both albums were recorded in Nashville. Any comments would be appreciated.
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Terry Wood

Lebanon, MO
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2000 6:07 am    
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Hi Jerry,

I don't know of any Gospel Quartets with the Hawaaiian Steel recorded in back ground.

However, if you are not familiar with the Gospel Hawaiian steel guitar recordings of Bud Tutmarc, I highly recommend them. He has several Gospel Hawaiian Steel Guitar tapes and CDs. I love his playing! His style is similiar in a way to Jerry Byrd's, yet, different. The recordings that I have of him are superb! Several people market his recordings but I would recommend that you locate the website his son Greg setup for him. There snail mailing address is:

Greg Tutmarc
10708 N.E. 19th Place
Bellevue, WA 98804

Mr. Bud Tutmarc apparently knew Sol Hoopi (Steel Guitar Hall of Fame) or his family and he offers a collection of Sol's
great playing.

I recommend the Tutmarc tapes titled:
"Gentle and Beautiful," "Lord of Paradise,"
"Most Beautiful, Most Beautifully," and others.

Their website I am not to certain about. Again though, they have a bunch of CDs and tapes of Gospel Hawaiin Steel Recordings. Their label I believe is Marc Records.

God Bless,

Terry Wood

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Jim Landers


Spokane, Wash.
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2000 8:09 am    
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Jerry, Bud Tutmarc also has a set of 2 gospel tapes that were done by Sol Ho'opi'i. They are also very good. Sol does the steel playing on them naturally, but he also does the vocals and plays uke on them.

Besides the 2 gospel tapes, there is another set of Sol's tapes, I believe there are 9 tapes in this set, that Mr. Tutmarc has available. Tons and tons of GREAT steel playing.

All of these tapes were recorded between about 1940 and 1953. The last one was recorded just a few weeks before Sol died.

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jerry allen


arlington, tx.u.s.
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2000 11:12 am    
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Thanks Terry and Jim. I'll follow up on the imput.
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George Keoki Lake

Edmonton, AB., Canada
Post  Posted 22 Jun 2000 7:42 am    
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I can only concure with the above in regards to the Bud Tutmarc recordings. All are excellent Gospel productions. However, I fail to see any similarity between Bud and Jerry's playing, but anyone who is familiar with Sol Ho'opi'i will definitely see the similarities. The 9 cassette Sol Ho'opi'i set which Bud sells is well worth purchasing. As a bonus, he has included a few cuts by (the late)Belva Dickerson who was one of Sol's students...she was awesome!
Bud is experiencing health problems these days. I am sure he'd appreciate messages of good will from his many steel guitar friends.
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Evelyn Whitney


Muskegon, MI 49441 USA
Post  Posted 26 Jun 2000 7:50 pm    
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Leonard T Zinn has the most beautiful touch on the Hawaiian Steel Guitar and has a Hawaiian cassette/CD and a gospel cd with a hawaiian flavor. To order from L T
1890 Carriage Rd Suite 210 Muskegon, MI 49442 or call 231 7771339 and he'll get them right out to you. He is staff rhythm guitar on Scottys show in St Louis and he does play pedals on these recordings.
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jerry allen


arlington, tx.u.s.
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2000 12:07 pm    
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Thanks Evelyn and Gearge for for your replys. I'll follow up.
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